Grow Mediums Think Different, Hippie Headband, Blue Dream - DWC 250w HPS/240W LED

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@Tavid I did order from attitude. I am going to up the P today and throw the humidifier back in there. Colorado is notorious for dry temps :/ She is looking better, just not 100%.

My two Hippie Headbands as well as my Blue Dream cracked their shells last night so I now have three think different's (one veg, two seedling) one blue dream, two hippie headbands.

Hopefully things will continue to improve.

Hope you get it all sorted. Taviddude seems to be giving some good advice. I followed his last TD grow and it came out great. Good luck with yours! :peace:
I awoke this morning to find things looking great in the closet. Her twist is nearly gone, her color is back and her leaves are perky for the first time in almost a week.

Last night when she started to do the twist it was after a feeding( her pH was still fine), so I diluted the reservoir with 24 oz of pH balanced clean water and she is doing a lot better.
She also started showing preflowers over night so I plugged in the LED to give her both spectrum's. My blue dream and hippie headband are not showing their heads through the rock wool yet, but my other two TD seedling have started to pick up slightly. One is at 5 days, the other at 2 days. I will post pics of them when their growth becomes more progressive.

Here are a few shots, ill take a few more while she is napping.

1. Day 14 with the twist. 2. Another day 14 with the twist

3. This morning, (Day 15) looking good 4. Another shot of this morning.

5. Shot with LED on 6. Ounce of Jon Barrett #3 X Super Silver Pearl that I picked up from the dispensary earlier in the week.
TDDAY14TWIST.jpgTD DAY 14 TWIST2.jpgTD DAY 15.jpgTD DAY 15 two.jpgLED Shot day 15.jpgJB3xSSP.jpg

Things are looking nice still in the growroom. I went out and spent $80 on a ppm pen, well worth it because as it turns out my girl was only receiving about half of the dose she was needing.

I upped her ppm to 450 and her ph is still at 5.8.

My two headband's and my blue dream all dropped their helmets during the 4 hour dark cycle today.

I have a degenerate Think Different that is on day 15 but actually looks like she is on day 5. I didn't think she would make it because of taproot problems, but ill be damned if she hasn't started to bounce back. Her ppm is sitting at 270. She is camera shy.

I have another Think Different that is on Day 5 now.

Here are a few pics:
1. Growroom 2. Think Different Day 16 ( just awakening) 3. Blue Dream Sprout(she is femmed)
4. Think Different Sprout 5. Grow room from a different angle

RoomDay16Humid.jpgDay 16 TD.jpgBD Sprout.jpgTDSL.jpgRoomday16.jpg
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This is what i love about this site you have people growing awesome plants and when someone has a problem there is always another awesome grower willing to lend a hand and help them out. Awesome job Taviddude for finding the problem with this grow.:bow::bow::bow:
Curious to see how the blue dream comes out, haven't seen anyone run the Humboldt Seed Company version yet...I have some of DJ Short's Azure haze on hand for a future grow...same basic haze/BB cross, different parents though.

Reps man!
Today is Day 18 for my oldest TD. She has recovered nicely and still going strong. I upped her dose this morning before her nap. She is sitting around 600 ppm. She should be closer to 1k by now but the set back has led me to slowly up her dose. The stems on her new leaves are purple but I am going to give her time to soak up this dose before upping again.

Both Headband's and Blue Dream are looking well. Day two for them.

The Think Different that I was sure I was going to lose has made an outstanding comeback. She was born on 11/06 but did almost no growing until the 11/12. Nice roots forming, ppm is at 270. I will up her dose on Tuesday when I feed the big girl again.

I have another Think Different that is 5 days old and is suffering the same slow growth. If things don't look better after this week I will trash it because I am running out of room and will need to raise my lights by then.

Here are a few pics of the room about 5 minutes before I woke them up.

1. Grow Room. 2. Think Different Day 18 3. Think Different Day 18 again. 4. New growth. 5. Sprouts. 6. Blue Dream.


GR Day 18.jpgTDDAY18 2.jpgTD Day 18.jpgTDDAY18.jpgsproutsday2.jpgBD Day 3.jpg
Glad to hear they are getting back to great health. :dance:

Hoping for green kharma to your lil girls bud.

One love to ya:toke:
It is Day 20 for the oldest girl. She is continuing to thrive. The PPM is a little above 500. I am sure she could handle another dose today but I am holding off until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I will flush and up the PPM to about 750 or 800.
TD Day 20 3.jpgTD Day 20.jpgDay20TD.jpg

Her root system is strong and has shown tremendous growth over the last week.
The little runt that could has continued to bounce back as well. Her root system is finally picking up and her vegetative growth is as well. Her ppm is at 270. Tomorrow I will flush her and up it to around 500.
TD Day 13 2.jpgTD Day 13.jpg
My Blue Dream is forming nice roots and her leaf production seems normal. (No pic of her)

Now on to the not so good news.

One of my headband seedlings (Day 4) is showing good root development, but there is absolutely NO signs of a set of leaves coming in, plus it appears that her first two small leaves (above cotyledon) are dying. Do you guys think I should trash her?
I have another Headband that is doing well growth wise, but the roots haven't reached the reservoir yet.

Enjoy your Monday.
