New Grower Think different auto grow

Ok I think it's a cal/mag diff so I ordered sum is this a good calculation ? And do I just add it n with other nutes ?
And is this toxicity ?

Separation going on ugh
Good day every1 my girls ain't look'N so good last nite check my ph said it was down too 4.7
I couldn't do anything for them cause I had to leave to work so get home this AM from work I looked up how to raise ph naturally found out baking soda will do this so I pour a lil n and my res tank was 6.5 I lowered it back down 2 round 5.9 hope when I wake to nite it'll still be good
you can fgollow the GH guide, or you can follow what the many growers here do. A loty of auto WON'T toloerate ppms that high early on. I start mine at 200 ppms for the first week, 400 the second, then run 600 ppms all the rest of the way thru. Look on

he consistently grows 1 pound plus plants and never goes much above 650 ppms.

Hello all just been look'N into SCROG and SOG any thoughts ?

in a room that size and growinging TD, I'd SCROG them! Treatbthem just like phot6os, except keep the topping or FIM to a minimum, but bend them girls over when the get tall enough, you'll have more bud than you'll know what to do with! We have a member who got over 1000grams from 5 plants in a SOG on a flood and drain table, I'm betting a SCOG could do even better when your running RDWC!
Good day every1 my girls ain't look'N so good last nite check my ph said it was down too 4.7
I couldn't do anything for them cause I had to leave to work so get home this AM from work I looked up how to raise ph naturally found out baking soda will do this so I pour a lil n and my res tank was 6.5 I lowered it back down 2 round 5.9 hope when I wake to nite it'll still be good
it takes VERY little baking soda to raise PH. I measure mine carefully when running DWC. an 1/8 of a teaspoon will raise the ph of 5 gallons of water by .5 or more. get your ph to within 5.8-6.2 with 5.8 perferable.
Day 24
Update last nite check the ph of the girls. They where sitting @ PH 6.1 ppm 1150 look'N good for the most part
So I found these on Amazon @ 22 bucks
Would these b better the my T-5 if I had one light per plant ?

Are should I get one of these

For more $$$ ? Which is like 150 bucks