It will be a few weeks yet before I get on to that,
Im currently fininshng off OLD whiet widow and making some shaky progress with another 2 Auto White Widows which I cant get under my 300 watt cfl dual spec . Space is a problem and Im goin to need another growbox made up soon.
My grow space is 5 ft tall by 3 feet wide and 15 ft depth. Barely enough room for one,however one f my Auto,s suffered from root damage at the point when I fist transplanted it into soil as a seedling (just popped), it is going o grow but I suspect will be very stunted
I need those out of the way before I attempt to do a photo journal in which case I intend to do a Dinafem White Cheese.I am stil getting together the shizz I will need, eg, Ihave a 20 litre airpot on the way, some CalMag anda meter to measure RH.
Will decide on what growing medum to use after I see the result of the 2 White Widows