New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

You thinkiung of Lollypopping Hairy?

If thats the term then yes lol, there are two branches that wont make it , and some sub branches of the next two that will just be shaded out, was just wondering the best timing for doing it really.
I havnt a clue as to before/after water/feed,probs best after so the plant has nutes to repair itself.
Try to leave the fan leaves on,they are a food source still.
Have a look at this link pal.
I suppose if you do it now it should slow growth down for a bit as they recover.
Atb mate
Thanks for link pal, funny funny thread, talk about world war 3, i could see both sides of the argument especially from the the SOG growers side, hmmmm i might just leave it a while and perhaps pinch out the flowering sites now after trawling through all that.
Think about just lollipopping one plant,it will make way for the other two.
Think about just lollipopping one plant,it will make way for the other two.
What about the increased bloom mutes to force blooming and keep her size down you think that works as an idea?
I have no experience of trying to keep plants from stretching using nutes.
Ive read about it but am undecided.
Time for some googling Hairy,GL pal.
Hey Hairy.
Ive heard about early introduction of bloom nutes slowing it down, not sure how that works though. So, I dont know about it as fact.
Ive always been advised not to cut anything off except for dead leaves. Cutting that stuff off could hurt your overall yield. Since its on a timer, and doesnt have time to repair without hurting the yield. Time that could be spent on bud production, will be spent on repairing from w/e you cut.
Hey Hairy.
Ive heard about early introduction of bloom nutes slowing it down, not sure how that works though. So, I dont know about it as fact.
Ive always been advised not to cut anything off except for dead leaves. Cutting that stuff off could hurt your overall yield. Since its on a timer, and doesnt have time to repair without hurting the yield. Time that could be spent on bud production, will be spent on repairing from w/e you cut.

Am sure Muddy mentions it in his lifecycle, if you add bloom nutes earlier it can cause plants to finish earlier and smaller. Looking great though Hairy mate if a little bit to much so, could try finish her off early if you need the space and let the other two go as planned, either way you gonna get some top smoke.

Beauty of autos get to do that in the same space.
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Yep here's the quote from his lifecycle sticky "Weeks 4 - 6. The plantsare now entering a pre flowering stage. During this time the plants shouldexhibit explosive growth, often as much as a new set of nodes and 1"vertical growth a day. This is the time when they will gain most of theirvertical height. Many people make the mistake of switching from vegetative toflowering nutrients at this point, assuming that since they see flowers it mustbe the proper time. This is incorrect. If the switch to flowering nutes is madeat this time the vertical growth will stop and the plant will put it's energyinto producing buds. If you need to keep your plants small, or want them tofinish earlier, they by all means switch nutes at this point. But if you wantto get the most out of your plants continue feeding vegetative nutes until yousee the vertical growth slow and stop. Depending on the strain that willusually be sometime during week 5 or 6."