New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

hey hairy, just wanted to stop by and show my support. looking great brother:goodluck:"kudos"
Robbo,Neko,Spanglish;Duckster; Thanks for the input guys, i sorta lost a day- sainsburys had Jack Daniels on offer lol i cant even remeber watering the girls, but wife said i did, next feed i going to increase the bloom for Sersi and see how it goes once i figure out where i am up too i got it all scribbled down somewhere :)

hey hairy, just wanted to stop by and show my support. looking great brother:goodluck:"kudos"
Hey pal, thanks for stopping by
lol as long as you did not feed them the Jack should be all good.

you sure you just fed them JD and viagra
Day 28 Pictures 5/4










Looking great Hairy...And a little Jack never hurt anyone..wink..

Wow, she really looks amazing brother! :kusht:
Beautiful plants Hairy,what a pity you couldnt just let em do their thang and get big.
Maybe a tent for Xmas?
Looking great Hairy...And a little Jack never hurt anyone..wink.
Thanks HD is was the litre bottle that killed me off.


Wow, she really looks amazing brother! :kusht:

Cheers pal

Beautiful plants Hairy,what a pity you couldnt just let em do their thang and get big.
Maybe a tent for Xmas?

Thanks pal, well the sourcrack will be fine, they dont get that tall, sersi is standing 14 inches now and the ones ive seen grown normally top 20, the next tyrones i do are going in the 3 litre pots tackle the problem that way, saying that i aint sure if she has grown so wide coz of the pheno or my growing ,like i have said before trapper grew a x-mas tree and hans grew a bush,they both yeilded roughly the same, feck knows, it good that she has got a even canopy though, no tent she aint come around to this growing that much lol
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