New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Oh yes love the old ditties Hairy. Here's one from me mum-in-law.
"Roll me over in the clover
Roll me over in the clover
and do it again"
She was a brit in the WAC during WWII. She was a feisty old bird. Sure do miss her
Now that's funny Redrobbo. Brings back a few memories. Only heard her sing some of the verses a couple of times. Usually just the chorus when she was in her cups. lmao
If there hadnt been a war on,it would have been banned,lol.
Great looking plants! Some PHAT leaves you've got there... Nice, real nice.

why thank you very much Rhyce , i can only hope they produce some equally nice buds :)

Lol @ Duckseter and Redrobbo ,people are going ta start to think we in our 90,s

By the light (not the dark but the light)
Of the silvery moon (not the sun but the moon)
I want to spoon (not the fork but the spoon)
To my baby I'll croon love's tune
Honeymoon (not the work honeymoon)
Keep a-shining in June (not July but June)
Your silvery beams will brings love dreams
We'll be cuddlin' soon (not late but soon)
By the light of the moon (not the sun but the moon).

i better go and take some pictures to get this back on track :)
Ya cant beat a good ole sing song,first time on a forum
"oh youll never got to heaven (oh youll never got to heaven)
in a playtex bra (in a playtex bra)
coz a playtex bra (coz a playtex bra)
won't stretch that far (won't stretch that far)

oh you'll never go to heaven in a playtex bra
voz a playtex bra won't stretch that far
i ain't gonna grieve, my lord no more

i ain't gonna grieve my lord, i ain't gonna grieve my lord
i ain't gonna grieve, my lord no more

oh you'll never go to heaven,
in my dad's car,
coz my dad's car,
stops at every bar
oh yo'll never go to heaven in my dad's car ...

Gotta love the oldish songs, you bunch of 90-somethings ;+}


We need a piano player,lol.
Hurry up with those pic updates Hairy b4 this singalong gets out of hand.
I might put some football songs on,haha.