New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

No i dont use em or add co2,ive thought about it but the cost to do it with gas bottles etc
was beyond me for my small grows.
I think youre right about having your environment dialled in and overkill on the lights,thats just what ive read tho,so could be bollox,lol.
Those mushies will probably be illegal to grow in UK,in for a penny,in for a

Lmao yea might as well get done for both, I only had mushrooms once well illegal ones, I was in Amsterdam on me lads 21 birthday, well his pals talked me into it, probably thought get the old guy fucked up lol, anyways this shop claimed to sell different ones that gave different highs so ta speak, so we all had this type that was ment to make you laugh ,FCK I nearly died laughing we was all laughing so hard it was getting to the point you couldn't breath,but was all good in the end,but its not something I would rush to take again,these ones were fresh ones,tasted horrible.
Hello Hairy, I love mushrooms, psilocybe works pretty good :) btw some of my friends on another forum use this product that grants CO2, it's handy and ready to use:
I hope you find this useful, obviously I can't give advices on N or light problem, but I wish you all good things :)
Hello Hairy, I love mushrooms, psilocybe works pretty good :) btw some of my friends on another forum use this product that grants CO2, it's handy and ready to use:
View attachment 436518
I hope you find this useful, obviously I can't give advices on N or light problem, but I wish you all good things :)

Thanks for stopping by your input Grisu, the co2 is something that caught my eye i need to look into it a lot more ,thanks for that lead,

How they looking today hairy?

Hi pal, they looking fine apart from the clawed leaves on new growth, the leaves that have had it grow out ok ,so i aint going to do anything mad like flush them yet, the coytlens are dieing now so its time for a feed i think, sersi is stretching now also.ille do a proper pic update on all of them later.

i must admit this change over to Led has thrown me a bit , before i could just look in and see everything looked ok, there colour and that, now i have to take them out and mess about getting a decent light to see them, lol this morning i swore i had cal/mag probs untill i took them out, its just seeing them under that light.
The amount of the time you spend in the cupboard heavy breathing all over them Hairy i am sure they getting plenty of Co2 lol
They're looking grand to me hairyman !

i find the opposite, under led the plants seem much easier to see, and it really illuminates a single spider mite for example.
perhaps we have different spectrums though.

they look set to explode to me, so keep up the good work mate!
The amount of the time you spend in the cupboard heavy breathing all over them Hairy i am sure they getting plenty of Co2 lol

lmao ,ya cheeky fecker :Haha:

They're looking grand to me hairyman !

i find the opposite, under led the plants seem much easier to see, and it really illuminates a single spider mite for example.
perhaps we have different spectrums though.

they look set to explode to me, so keep up the good work mate!

Thanks a lot pal for having a look, if you say they alright ,then they are alright :)

well you have that fancy led your trialing and more importantly a lot younger eyes :)
Yeah,led`s can take a bit of getting used to but probs a good practice to take plants out
now & again to check under normal light until you get used to the new colour scheme,lol.
How high is your light above tops of your plant now?
I look forward to your updated pics later on mate.
Yeah,led`s can take a bit of getting used to but probs a good practice to take plants out
now & again to check under normal light until you get used to the new colour scheme,lol.
How high is your light above tops of your plant now?
I look forward to your updated pics later on mate.

i put it up to 22inches from top of pot,ille have to measure the other distance but its about 12-14 inches away from top of plants, they looking better for it i think, ime of to get pics

All have had a half dose feed of cal/mag 0.5ml ltr and next water tonight will be having first dose of grow/alg/mic 1ml ltr of each, then the plan is to go cal/mag next then feed @ day 25 going to add grow/bloom/alg/mic to mix 1ml ltr each.










its strange they all look a lot healthier under flash,i best get my eyes checked lol