New Grower thebombhaha first auto run train wreck

Ah ok, sitting in their runoff is a bad idea. They end up sucking back up all the excess nutes and salts that you've watered to run off to remove. If the drooping started with your leaving them in their runoff then that may well be causing it

I'm only speculating because they've been left in their runoff for some number of weeks now. It's only the last day or so that I'm seeing changes+it started to happen with the temp getting lower outside. I'm thinking the temp changes outside make it harder for their runoff to dry off because I have the windows open to vent out. How can I fix this? Water em' once a day because at that point the runoff will dry off? I dunno what to do in this situation besides obviously monitor them and try not feeding them twice a day til runoff. I know my nute dosages are on point. Keep in mind tho bro that I've been feeding twice a day for a number of weeks now already so I don't know what will happen when I make it once a day feeding
Day 41
Figured out it was too cold in that room as I saw the hygrometer showed bellow 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I turned the temp up in my unit with my heater and the droop was all gone when I woke up.
Day 46. Thriving. Supposed to have a cold front tomorrow coming in ☹️ Also not sure when to drop silica or cal mag from the feeds