The Vault’s Candy Dawg Auto Comparative Grow – in association with Seed Stockers

Yeah, but how long did you 'power' for? lol
I did it for 25 years! And 10 of those years I was a student! lol
And quite a few of them after that I was a functioning alcoholic!
I did have plenty of fun, especially in my student days; but wouldnt advise anyone to drink the way I used to!
I agree It almost took me down from a great Job
I watched so many of my co workers turn to the bottle to coupe with the high stress.
I watched a few of my friends slowly die due to alcohol
No Bueno
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Before I quit drinking at the start of last year, I'd probably drank more in my lifetime than EVERYONE in this forum put together!! lol

Great for you my friend!
I am truly happy for you being an ex hard core alcoholic myself.

The hangovers were killing me and lasting for 3 or 4 days! Never again!
With the shit they're spraying in the skies and the poisons that they put in our food and water, it's impossible nowadays to try to get heathy and still drink!

I was getting those type of hangovers when I was 19. Finally quit drinking just before i turned 21, and that being a few decades ago.

Yes, we seemed to be at ground zero where I live for getting dumped on from overhead. Glad others 'see' what 'they' are doing to us.

Yeah, but how long did you 'power' for? lol
I did it for 25 years! And 10 of those years I was a student! lol
And quite a few of them after that I was a functioning alcoholic!
I did have plenty of fun, especially in my student days; but wouldnt advise anyone to drink the way I used to!

Started drinking at 12 by 16 was a full blown drunk going to bars etc by legal drinking age 21 was in rehab lasted 2 years and the old saying 1 is to many and 10,000 not enough stood true for 19 more years till I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was a beer drinker and averaged a case a day for years. I also dont advise anyone to drink like I did
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To Us All!
That poison would have killed us.
Jack, so far it looks like Saturday the 16th I'll drop the beanage and I'll have a few good days for them to germ without it being rainy and cloudy. I keep the house at 66 and the garage is way colder than that.

Some really nice genetics there mate!

It's going to be fun, I'm going to run all autos and 1 reg. I'm putting all my eggs in one basket and hope for the best.

Started drinking at 12 by 16 was a full blown drunk going to bars etc by legal drinking age 21 was in rehab lasted 2 years and the old saying 1 is to many and 10,000 not enough stood true for 19 more years till I was sick and tried of being sick and tried. I was a beer drinker and averaged a case a day for years. I also dont advise anyone to drink like I did

lol. I have a saying, if vodka doesn't fix your problems, you're not using enough vodka!

I quit starting today, I began keto again after a few months off. Can't lose weight and drink. I save so much money not drinking. lol
Jack, so far it looks like Saturday the 16th I'll drop the beanage and I'll have a few good days for them to germ without it being rainy and cloudy. I keep the house at 66 and the garage is way colder than that.

It's going to be fun, I'm going to run all autos and 1 reg. I'm putting all my eggs in one basket and hope for the best.

lol. I have a saying, if vodka doesn't fix your problems, you're not using enough vodka!

I quit starting today, I began keto again after a few months off. Can't lose weight and drink. I save so much money not drinking. lol
Even Catdog is in that video LOL
Im in for it now
Hey Spin