Nutrients The Slowmo Biotab tread

It's a bitch eh?? It's all going good. The service I have had from the doctors, nurses, physio, has been stellar. I would in no way be this far into my recovery had it not been for them. A lot of hard work on my part too obviously, but the medical team deserve medals.

It really is dude, can't even describe how thankful I felt once I started walking on my own again :smoker1:.
I can't believe I'm complaining about that distance, I've been here too :biggrin:

We had some family visit from Canada, they simply couldn't understand that we didn't drive to Vesterhavet and back again on a nice sunday ... hahah unthinkable

they regularly drove 100 miles and back for a nice resturant .. lol
We had some family visit from Canada, they simply couldn't understand that we didn't drive to Vesterhavet and back again on a nice sunday ... hahah unthinkable

they regularly drove 100 miles and back for a nice resturant .. lol
100 miles for a restaurant :rofl: wow
I'd wouldn't drive 100 miles to rescue a dying relative :crying:
Hey slowmo how's it going my old friend,long time no speak bro :pass::bighug::d5::smoking:


Hiya m8 ... im doing good... been busy setting my girls up with dates :crying: , what about you, still growing strong ?

Not being active on social media, have made me almost miss the QB revolution ... still rocking 1212's here

I come back and they are everywhere !!

I was making a auto cbd strain for CPHseeds based on my Goldwidow, but the reversal came 3 weeks to late .... live and learn :face:

Plant your donor a week or 2 before the rest of the girls :greenthumb:


Hiya m8 ... im doing good... been busy setting my girls up with dates :crying: , what about you, still growing strong ?

Not being active on social media, have made me almost miss the QB revolution ... still rocking 1212's here

I come back and they are everywhere !!

I was making a auto cbd strain for CPHseeds based on my Goldwidow, but the reversal came 3 weeks to late .... live and learn :face:

Plant your donor a week or 2 before the rest of the girls :greenthumb:


I am good bro,just had a long break from growing so i could actually get through the tons of bud i have grown,down to about 10oz now so ready to start again lol,still got half my biotabs starter kit left so thinking i might go with that,got so many different seeds i have no idea what to grow though and have seen a few nice new autos i would like hahahahaha
I am good bro,just had a long break from growing so i could actually get through the tons of bud i have grown,down to about 10oz now so ready to start again lol,still got half my biotabs starter kit left so thinking i might go with that,got so many different seeds i have no idea what to grow though and have seen a few nice new autos i would like hahahahaha

nice 1.. having lots of seed to choose from always good :)

im cheating a bit on my biotab regime and running with tabs from Big Plant Science atm...

Since late October i've been smoking my outdoor skell style Sugar Black Rose ... she gave 3 kilo in wet buds ... :frog: