The RSO Chat Thread -- Phoenix Tears, Hemp Oil, Cannabis Oil, Rick Simpson Oil, etc...

We have done some cannaventions, and have developed kind of an outline. First the patient must be open minded

Got it in One Musturd....:Cushty:

You can only Help people who want to be is Soul Destroying at times...but some will Never See...and we have to Respect that.

Mossy you'd be happy to know body PH and baking soda treatments and diet is part of our cannaventions

VERY HAPPY...:High 5:..COZ I KNOW IT WORKS..and I know we can get the Word Out when people See how it is So Affordable...everyone can do it.

I was saying to spelsy..all Legal Med Patients should be using it as a synergistic treatment along-side canna meds.

IMO..cannabis is working coz it is an Alkaloid..that is why it Works on so many Raises your PH and increases the oxygen in your blood..

The RSO is the most Pure form of Alkaloid you can obtain from canna..that is why it is the Medical Panacea..:wiz:

An important mention of Cannabis in the old Vedas and other books is for use of
it in worshiping of the deity Shiva. In has been an integral part of “Tantra
Yoga”. In many practices of this yoga intoxicating drink containing bhang or
Cannabis is consumed in order to liberate oneself. The ritual marks following
the law of Shiva. Before consuming this herb a mantra: "Bhava na sana hridayam" is chanted, which means: "may this sana (Sanskrit for
Cannabis) be a blessing to my heart." Till this date every year on Shivratri (a
festival in India in which deity Shiva is
worshiped), and Holi, Cannabis is consumed in various forms to mark the
surrender to lord of yoga (Shiva – Hindu god for transformation).

"Bhava na sana hridayam"

May this cannabis be a Blessing to my Heart..:wiz:..

I have the legend on the patio wall...but I have Wondered since if it is a cannabis Blessing..or the way of recording their ancient medicines coz canna does Indeed work on the Heart/circulation..:tiphat:
Aloha all....

Few questions...
I've been wondering about this heating the weed up thing, like when making cannabutter and such...
I know Rick didnt include that step, soo wondering why for butter and not for oil...
also on that talk of cannabutter, would that get the same results for treating cancer as well as the oil?
Got it in One Musturd....:Cushty:

You can only Help people who want to be is Soul Destroying at times...but some will Never See...and we have to Respect that.

VERY HAPPY...:High 5:..COZ I KNOW IT WORKS..and I know we can get the Word Out when people See how it is So Affordable...everyone can do it.

I was saying to spelsy..all Legal Med Patients should be using it as a synergistic treatment along-side canna meds.

IMO..cannabis is working coz it is an Alkaloid..that is why it Works on so many Raises your PH and increases the oxygen in your blood..

The RSO is the most Pure form of Alkaloid you can obtain from canna..that is why it is the Medical Panacea..:wiz:

"Bhava na sana hridayam"

May this cannabis be a Blessing to my Heart..:wiz:..

I have the legend on the patio wall...but I have Wondered since if it is a cannabis Blessing..or the way of recording their ancient medicines coz canna does Indeed work on the Heart/circulation..:tiphat:

So Aunty...aloha
Is there a drink recipe/regiment in laymens terms with baking soda or something? I have to admit, when I was reading the thread, I kinda got lost...much mahalos aunty
and the canna butter question ... I would say no because RSO is the most potent form of oil. you need that high thc content. which you can't achieve with butter...
I thought I'd share my experience with RSO. After doing research for about a month, I decided to make a small batch of my own. I had actually come across the link JM posted regarding RSO and Lyme Disease (Shelley actually uses more of a extract than RSO), and this was the story and link that started my research. It was the first reference I found to it being used for Lyme disease, and it got me very curious.

Since I didn't want to blow up my house on the first go-round making this stuff, I decided to use Everclear, sending my wife off to pick me up 1/5th. Little did I know that the state of Alaska had pussified their alcohol laws, making anything over 151 proof illegal. People drink moonshine for breakfast up here. What gives? So, I did some more research, finding out that 151 could be used, but the product wouldn't be as pure. Oh well. I gave it a go anyway - with much better results than expected! I used the video that realcarlos posted on page two (how to make a small batch of RSO). My materials:

30 grams of organic self-grown auto Northern Lights
1/5th of Everclear 151
a mini crock pot
small clip fan to blow fumes out open window in garage

Here are a few things I did of note:

- I did decarb the buds (I used all buds for this, no shake or popcorn). 225F for 15minutes. Also, the cannabis was cured, so probably was already partially naturally decarbed.
- I washed the cannabis three times using a quart mason jar. Pour enough Everclear in to cover the material by a couple inches, crank down the lid, fire up the Silver Surfer, sit down and shake for five minutes. Strain and repeat with new Everclear two more times. I used cheese cloth to strain. It's really cheap on
- I made the the blunder of leaving the ceramic bowl insert in when evaporating off the alcohol. It works, but it takes much, much longer this way. It took almost 8, long, painful hours to finish.

I got a little over 4 grams of RSO from the 30 grams of bud. It came out very dark, and very potent. Because a less pure alcohol was used (151), more water soluble plant material was stripped away, and that plant material eventually ending up in the final product. That is one of the give-aways to using the less pure solvent. Other than that, I found it to be just as tongue-numbingly strong as any of the stuff I've received from others in the past.

I know I'm on the right track with this stuff for my Lyme Disease. I had a very strong reaction to the oil, causing a die-off of the bacteria which in turn made me very sick. It's called a herx reaction, and it's similar to what cancer patients go through with chemo. The 'ol, 'you must get sick to get better' line. I had the exact same thing when a doctor put me on antibiotics a few weeks ago - which I'm thankfully off of now. My plan is attack this as naturally as possible, using homeopathic remedies, detox schemes, and the RSO. After 22 years of the bacteria living in me, I need to come out firing with guns blazing. I already eat strict paleo, don't drink or use tobacco, and don't use any pharmaceuticals any longer. I will be recording and documenting my effort as not many Lyme patients have tried the approach with the RSO. Lots of questions out there about it and Lyme! I want to try to help answer some of those questions so others have an easier time battling this disease than I and others have had.

I will probably be turning over what material I grow for RSO to someone else to make it from now on, however. She uses the steam method to produce her oil. I've had it, and it is good stuff. She's treated a lot of patients very successfully with it. See, I just can't afford to outright buy it, so I must grow my own. I'd make it myself, but the cost is a bit prohibitive. Everclear ain't cheap, and I'm not willing to go other routes right now. Also, it is not an easy thing for me to make right now. Just making my butter and coconut oil extracts is hard enough currently. These are real obstacles that I think many others also face.

Anyway, I look forward to following this discussion and learning what I can! cheers!
Because a less pure alcohol was used (151), more water soluble plant material was stripped away, and that plant material eventually ending up in the final product.
We are going to be doing Work on this because the chlorophyll May be one of our Big health benefits.

Glad you are here to Share..and wishing you Good Luck..Lymes hasn't come into my line of homework yet.

Do you have a PH Meter...?
Liquid Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a green color
pigment which is created by organisms that make photosynthesis through sunlight.
It is a crucial biomolecule which allows plants to absorb energy from light. All
green plants, photosynthetic active algaes and vegetables on earth get their
green color from chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is almost identical to the human
blood pigment hemoglobin - the only difference is their central ion (core
molecule): hemoglobin has an iron ion, chlorophyll has an magnesium ion.

Within the photosynthesis chlorophyll has as main task the absorption of light,
and the subsequent transfer of electrons and absorbed energy. There are several
types of chlorophyll, the most important ones are Chlorophyll a, b and
Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the only substance
on earth that transforms sunlight into edible energy. It is a concentrated form
of sunlight and energy that cleans and renews our blood and raises the quantity
of blood cells tremendously.
The more chlorophyll a food contains, the
higher its nutritional value. Chlorophyll rich foods such as green and leafy
vegetables contain huge amounts of minerals – which is why these foods are the
most alkaline forming foods on earth.
Chlorophyll helps to build new blood
cells, therefore keeping our blood's quality on top level. It supports the
neutralization of cancer-causing substances and helps with arteriosclerosis.
Above that, it enhances the healing of wounds, aids digestion, and improves our
intestinal flora.
Liquid Chlorophyll

It is as easy as this:
the healthier our blood is, the healthier we are! Chlorophyll rich green foods
have an enormous influence on the quality of our blood (except of one ion
chlorophyll is identical to hemoglobin) - which is why chlorophyll is also
called "liquid green blood".
To get liquid chlorophyll, you can use a juice
extractor and squeeze the "liquid blood" out of alkaline green grasses and
Following foods contain high amounts of chlorophyll:

Alfalfa grass, Barley grass, Broccoli, Cucumber, Green peas, Green beans, Kamut
grass, Kale / Green cabbage, Lemon grass, Okra / Ladyfingers, Parsley, Spinach,
Watercress, Wheat grass, amongst others

And canna...:wiz:

Liquid Green Blood....
Nördlich. Thanks for the information. I hope all goes well for you and anyone going through similar situations
Please do keep us posted