Mephisto Genetics The return of suggest a name-athon! Free seeds to the winner!

Hello, long time site lurker who created this account just to toss a name in the hat.

Smokey the Yeti for yeti og and 3 bears.
Grape Man Jam for grape crinkle and gorilla glue.

Also huge fan of all the vets on this site and a huge fan of mephisto genetics.

My wife hates the term man jam but I find it hilarious.

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Yeti OG x 3 Bears OG = Goldilocks Og or Frostylocks Og or Frost bear/Troll Og

Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] x Grape Crinkle = Gorilla Pop or Grape soda or Gorilla Fruit

Best I got cooking in my head haha
I edited to add more names here so check out my additions @gbd !

For Yeti x Bear OG:

  • Loud Troll OG (trolls are loud as are flowers)
  • Full Troll OG (trolls are full of it as are flowers)
  • Troll Farm OG
  • Frost Troll OG
  • Abominable OG (as in Abominable Snowman, another term for Yeti)
  • Snowman OG
  • Beastly OG
  • Beastie OG

For GG4 x GC:
  • Gorilla Sprinkle (rhymes with crinkle)
  • Gorilla Sugar
  • Gorilla on the Vine / Gorilla eau Vin
  • Gorilla Glue Sauvignon
  • Gorilla's Vineyard
  • Seedless Grape Gorilla
  • Gorilla Gloss
  • Gilded Gorilla
  • Grape Candy Glue

I'm another lurker and first time poster who couldn't pass up an entry into this contest =-) Must start by saying I have learned so much and gained such a respect for Mephisto, autoflowers and growing/breeding of them thanks to all of everyone's posts.

I'll introduce myself in the proper forum spot later but suffice to say I'm a super simple indoor/outdoor soil grower, on my 2nd round with Mephisto seeds (Double Grape + AvT) after just hanging up my first harvest of 3 tiny bonsai trees that got stunted as seedlings due to heat this summer in California (DBC, 3BOG, Tyrone Special).

I grew 'em out anyway and they smell/look great, can't wait to try them even thought the dry weight will probably be less than 12 grams each :smokeit:
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Jah'rakal, the Troll Warlord or simply

Jah'rakal OG or OG Troll Warlord

Lore: It's an easy thing to offend a troll. A prickly and contentious race, trolls thrive on argument and strife, missing no excuse to raise their voices in dispute. Males grow to maturity in subterranean chambers beneath their matriarch's domicile, feeding and amusing themselves while contributing nothing. Often they stay for years beyond the age of maturity, while the matriarch provides them with sustenance. When young trolls are finally pushed from their sub-chamber, they gather with others of their kind, forming roving gangs of malcontents who complain loudly about all manner of vexation.
As much as trolls love to argue, imagine how rare it is for a troll to be driven from his own kind for being too difficult to get along with. Such was Jah'rakal's fate, a monger troll from deep in the Hoven. So deluded was he, so bitter and abrasive, that even other trolls found his company intolerable. After one particularly vitriolic outburst in which he claimed the lion's share of loot from their latest raid, his cohorts finally snapped. They turned on him, beat him with clubs, and drove him from the encampment. Enraged at his banishment, he returned the next day, armed with steel, and slew them all, one by one. He then swore a blood oath: he would ever after be a fighting force unto himself. Now he roams the world as the Troll Warlord, bitter and angry, the Imperial high commander of an army of one.

and then like we need something abbreviated right like GCG for Gorilla's Glass Cannon or Glass Cannon Gorilla('s) whatever works.