New Grower The Plants of The Ape

Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Amnesia Haze
"Dawn of The Plant's of The Ape"

Hello, world. Tina and Louise here.

We came out tapping on the 13th of Friday at roughly 9:30 p.m. and we are raring to GROW!

As you can see, Tina looks to be suffering from what looks like "nute burn" which is hard to do w/o any nutes, so she is definitely a (special) little girl. Louise has hidden Tina's glasses so she can't see that she is a weed of a spotted color. Probably nothing more than the soil is a tad rich for her, so we're not too worried. Picky Eater! I'd tell her to be more like her sister, but when it comes to telling a female what to do... I end up broke, bruised or both. So you do your thang, Tina!

These little beauties are hanging out in cups made famous by a bad country song as they reach for the 600w LED Zeppelin 31 inches above their tops. They are vivacious and full of fire! As Tina will tell you she is "A smart, strong, sensual woman!"

Bob's Budders are cozy at the moment hanging out in 36% humidity at 72 degrees with a slight vortex of fabulous swirling air kissing those precious angel faces.

They are currently listening to the Discovery Weekly playlist along with me on Spotify (it's a Monday thing) as I drink coffee and tell them bad jokes.

All is right in the world, and this Ape could not be happier.

"Grow on with your bad selves!"


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Welcome! Read your intro and am glad you are here. You'll be in good hands for sure. Looking forward to your LED-MEDS!

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Thank you! Equatorial. I am looking forward to them as well. Thinking of starting a band going to call it Medz Leppelin can you play bass? :headbang:
Thank you! Equatorial. I am looking forward to them as well. Thinking of starting a band going to call it Medz Leppelin can you play bass? :headbang:

I dabbled in classical guitar as a teenager and even played in church. I reckon 95% of what i learned was returned to my teacher. I wonder if this qualifies for a refund?

I'm a new grower too. Learning on my first grow. The ppl here are awesome. Just ask away!

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