God morning, autobro´s!

Thanks for your replies guys.

I have heard that it is a good idea with the dead fish, but won´t the soil be dug up by predators?
I read that somewhere, (but with blood), if you put bloodmeal in ýour soil, you are going to have your patch dug up.
I am strongly concidering a compost acually. I don´t think i have the time now, but i will start one up in the fall. I have been coming more and more into organic growing lately. I have been thinking that maybe i should give up the chemnutes, and start growing with organic fertilizer instead?
I am going to buy organic soil and some chickenwire from the hardwarestore next weekend. I am going to grow maybe 6 plants this summer, and my friend are growing 10ish so i will need about 500 (125 gallon) liters of soil. Will it be kind of wierd for us to buy 30, 18 (4 ½ gallon) liter bags, all at once? Maybe we should buy 10-15, and then go back after a few days and buy 10-15. Or maybe that´s even more suspicous.

What can i use 500 (125 gallon) liters of soil for. If someone asks what i am going to with the soil, i buy the soil for my mother, she´s going to dig up her old soil in the backyard, and lay in some new fresh. Will they buy that story? Does my mother have a very big backyard then?
Then i had another question too. The soil at the hardwarestore are already fertilized with chickenshit. Can i add Bat Guano and Wormcastings, or will the plants get burnt with that much fert innit?
Mjöllnir: Get of your ass, and start planting man!
Thanks guys. /H.