Outdoor The perfect outdoor feeding schedule

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Will this tea work for flowering?
First part of flower
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
Im Gonna top dress half of them and use a organic flower tea for flower and
See what I like.
of course it will...good luck.

In all my years of outdoor growing I can tell you that organic plants grow better, and chem plants flower better. But I never had time to fuck around with tea watering, but I always top dressed, about july-ish...
Any deficiencies or outdoor problems I could look out for? Or anything that you highly recommend I do outdoors?
And what do you do about bugs outdoor?
Thanks Cres and muddy for the time, tips and wisdom!
of course it will...good luck.

In all my years of outdoor growing I can tell you that organic plants grow better, and chem plants flower better. But I never had time to fuck around with tea watering, but I always top dressed, about july-ish...

So maybe i can add wormcastings and bat guano to the soilmix, and then in week 6 start to give chemnutes for flowering? Batguano andwormcastings is the only thing i can get my hands on.

And how much worcastings/guano do i need per 10 liters of soil?
So I shouldn't go with this?
First part of veg
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.
Second part of veg
Use AN base nutrient.
Or switch off every other feeding with the two during veg.
Then for flowering
First part of flower
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.
Second part of flower
Use AN base nutrient ?
Or switch off every other feeding with the two during flower
And use voodoo juice at the start and end?

I would suggest starting a compost pile or stealing from a friends. Grab some good black livestock feces to mix in. If you want to get real old school organic may i suggest using the Native American sister method and also placing a dead fish under each of your plants( in ground only ) Just like the natives used to do with Tobacco. They smoked that.. should be good for Cannabis too, my two cents.
Point of interest, the sister method is when corn, squash and beans are planted together. They did use the fish method in poor sandy soils on the east coast of the states, but we have many more methods available to us today that provide a higher concentration of nutrients without having a dead fish on hand. Guano is a wonder feed!
I have heard good things about Guano, however the basis for the Sister method is to optimize nutrients since different classes of plants do different things to the soil up to and including putting back into the soil. The key would be selecting the right plants. However squash, as invasive as you might think is started after the cannabis plant would never catch up to the Cannabis plant. The benefit of the squash was mainly to prevent certain pests and diseases near the center plant on the mound and also protect the center plants root system(In the native American method the center plant was corn as Mr. Piggy stated above) . Another catch 22 would be selecting plants that don't require large amounts of nutrients that the Cannabis does. Thank Odin we have a plethora of plant life to choose from ^.^

To be Honest, I am spoiled and have access to hundreds of acres of woods, field, etc including a farm.
God morning, autobro´s! :)

Thanks for your replies guys.:) I have heard that it is a good idea with the dead fish, but won´t the soil be dug up by predators?
I read that somewhere, (but with blood), if you put bloodmeal in ýour soil, you are going to have your patch dug up.

I am strongly concidering a compost acually. I don´t think i have the time now, but i will start one up in the fall. I have been coming more and more into organic growing lately. I have been thinking that maybe i should give up the chemnutes, and start growing with organic fertilizer instead?

I am going to buy organic soil and some chickenwire from the hardwarestore next weekend. I am going to grow maybe 6 plants this summer, and my friend are growing 10ish so i will need about 500 (125 gallon) liters of soil. Will it be kind of wierd for us to buy 30, 18 (4 ½ gallon) liter bags, all at once? Maybe we should buy 10-15, and then go back after a few days and buy 10-15. Or maybe that´s even more suspicous. :) What can i use 500 (125 gallon) liters of soil for. If someone asks what i am going to with the soil, i buy the soil for my mother, she´s going to dig up her old soil in the backyard, and lay in some new fresh. Will they buy that story? Does my mother have a very big backyard then?

Then i had another question too. The soil at the hardwarestore are already fertilized with chickenshit. Can i add Bat Guano and Wormcastings, or will the plants get burnt with that much fert innit?

Mjöllnir: Get of your ass, and start planting man! :)

Thanks guys. /H.
Yeah skip the fish if you don't have a dog or guard animal within say an 1/8 mile of your plants. Sometimes just urinating around your plants like 8-10 feet away will keep a lot of animals from going near your plants. However you would have to mark your territory frequently enough to keep up the musk. Oh it works only as a male. Sorry ladies :(
What do you guys think about Fox Farm mixed 50/50 with Light Warrior or Happy Frog?