Outdoor The perfect outdoor feeding schedule



What's up everyone this summer will be my first auto outdoor grow and I had a few questions about growing outdoors.*
1. Nutrients. I planed on using advanced nutrients for a base nutrient. If anyone has any advice on what to go with? And what do I feed it like additive and stuff during veg and flowering If anyone has a schedule I could check out that would be cool. And do I need to worry about my ppm outdoors? And ph? If so what should they be?
2.Soil. My plan is to use a balanced ph organic soil for the base. And I wanted to know what I should mix in with my soil or if I even should? Knowing that I'm planing on using nutrients I didn't know if adding stuff to the soil would be over kill (bone meal, castings.....)? And should I add peat moss or anything to make the soil lite?
No blood or bone meal outside, your plants will get dug up.

Outdoor newbie mix... promix or sunshine#4....... 15gals soil/mix to 1 cup osmocote 20/20/20 time release. No other fert or amendments needed.
So I shouldn't go with this?
First part of veg
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.
Second part of veg
Use AN base nutrient.
Or switch off every other feeding with the two during veg.
Then for flowering
First part of flower
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.
Second part of flower
Use AN base nutrient ?
Or switch off every other feeding with the two during flower
And use voodoo juice at the start and end?
Don't know what your weather patterns are but I sometimes get periods of rainy weather than can last off and on for a week or two. Since the plants stay wet during those times it's hard to keep them on a regular feeding schedule. I prefer to use a richer soil containing castings or composted manure and let it feed the plants the majority of the time, giving them some boosters of liquid nutes as the weather allows.
buddha man I'll be growing in 10gal pots at a all day direct sunlight spot.

Muddy It's pretty dry where I live so I'll be watering everyday at the most every two days. We don't get a lot of rain at all. But would that feeding schedule I listed above be okay for autos? Or what liqud nutes and boosters do you go with for outdoor? And what brand of soil should I go
With if I'm adding a little bit of castings and manure in it?
thats a nice organic mix why go and ruin it by adding chem ferts? just top dress with more seabird at 30 days...
Yeah I was trying to get as much input as possible From people but what nutes do you go with outdoors? And what soil?
I didn't know for sure if that organic mix would be enough so I was going to go with a base nute and something for the roots maybe voodoo juice? And I'm not 100% sure but AN nutes don't seems to chemically.
Why do chemnutes ruin organic soil? I will also use organic soil, and i was maybe thinking of also using AN nutes, or their supplements. Will chemical nutes cancel out organic nutes?
Unless you are planning on growing super autos, 10 gallon pots are probably a bit of overkill. I grow most of my dwarf strains in 3 gallon pots outdoors. Five gallon would probably be about a big as you would need to go.

I would suggest that you try and find some Pro or Sunshine Mix as your base, then add your guano and castings to that, along with some additional perlite. For a 5 gallon pot I'd put about 3 gallons of base soil, 1 gallon of guano/castings, and 1 gallon of perlite. Both Pro and Sunshine mix are basically sphagnum peat moss, perlite, dolomite lime and mychorrhizal fungi. These items can be bought separately and you can make your own mix. Just make sure it's pHed to around 6.2 - 6.3. You can add dolomite lime to bring the pH up or sulfur to lower it. Just keep in mind that both lime and sulfur are slow acting so it's best to mix your soil, wet it and let it stand for 5-6 days before you check the pH.

For supplemental feedings you can top dress as Cres suggested, use the guano/castings to make a tea or use liquid nutrients. If you want to stay organic there are some good ones available. I've used the General Organics Biothrive line with good success.

Even under dry conditions I doubt your need to water daily or even every 2 days. I get stretches of 90+ degree temps with no rain. During those times I usually watered every 3-4 days. Remember weed like to dry out between waterings.
Im using ten gallon pots for Nirvana sky, super stinky, mighty durban s1 early photo, auto sweet cheese, and 5 gallon for big bang auto.
So it wouldnt be too much For the plant to have Mexican bat Guano and castings in the soil. And to be feeding it that organic tea or a AN base nute. With molasses from time to
Time with a watering and voodoo juice at the start and finish?