Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

Here is a cola from one of this years plants. Hawaiian Skunk Haze....
Pengy !!!

You are Amazing, Funny and Brave !!! What a bloody Nutter's Jungle you've made !

I can't believe :

a) your audacity
b) the plants
c) the fucking plants !!!

You're gonna have so much smokes, i re-name you Pengo Escobar !!!

Amazed the builders didn't spot you, thankfully.

Lucky you didn't have any flying coppers, apparently cannabis leaves reflect light differently from other plants so stand out easily from a couple of thousand feet.

Will get back to the diary after the Mrs has dragged me round Aldi, up to p1 so far :)

All the best,

High Yawl,

eP here and feeling a bit better. As you have guessed by my absence and cryptic posts, all has not been well.
I needed a bit of time out as I did not trust myself to post objectively and I was somewhat bereft. OK that sounds OTT but it hit me/us hard. DaddyP (84) woke me up t'other day to show me that we were the victims of thieves.

Some scumbags stole 90% of our harvest in the middle of the night. It bought us to tears and we are still struggling to come to terms with the shock, sorrow and sheers disbelief of what has happened. We feel raped.

They just don't deserve to have what we spent the last six months loving and caring for. It was not theirs to have. I feel like they are laughing at me. And it hurts. Sure I have done bad things in the past. Things I'm not proud of and am ashamed of. But I would never, could never, do that to someone.

I never said this before, but my meds were for chemo patients originally and now they were destined for MS sufferers. So the loss is even greater.

Here are some pics of what I woke up to. I can't look at them.
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I have no idea who, how or why. We are just so sad. That is why I have been "missing" for a while. I just do not know what more to say. I was left with three plants and a few branches out of nearly twenty
I am an old hippy at heart who always tries to see the best and trust people I meet, but things like this shake me. Also I see what it does to my old man. It is heart breaking. I know I will get lots of you wishing us all the best and I thank you in advance. Some of you already know, and I have had plenty of karma sent our way.
Thank you.



Builders mate, no offence to any builders here, some of my mates are, but it's the fucking builders.

They saw the grow, decided to wait until ripe for the picking.

Un-fucking believable.

I rarely use the C-word but what a bunch of Cs.

Such a beautiful, masterpiece of a grow, fuck those fuckers.
Read the whole diary now, what a ride man ! shame you got ripped off by the fuckers but i won't waste time discussing them.

The shatter looks lovely, i didn't know you could vape that stuff, or does the hot air combust it ?

Well-grown pal, when it's made legal i'm sure you'll run a very good business :)

All the best,

Thank you my very good friend. It was a heck of a ride. A year on and although it does still hurt when I look back, I am still here and still sleep soundly with knowledge that I hurt no one and for the most part do good.

In some ways I feel sorry for the people who's lives are so poor they have to steal from others. Or they are so lazy and greedy they steal because they are scum. But they know they are scum. And they surely can't sleep well.

I would rather be me.

As it happens, I finished up harvesting my limited outdoor grow today. All is safely gathered in. After drying and curing, it will be harvest festival time....yipee !!!!

Not far from a year or two on.................Thanks to any new guys/gals who read this thread and still continue to say nice things......I keep this up as a lesson that we can all learn from.

Not just the growing, but from many different angles. I still live in hope that some perp will slip up and hang themselves......you never know.

I hope you get encouragement that we can all achieve a good grow, whatever our experience......eP.
Penguin...the stuff I have to do to secure a harvest from plants in the fall from thieves is ridiculous....sometimes bordering on insanity. Motion sensors, paintball mines filled with moose piss(hahahahahahahahaha seriously), and then have to pull all nighters for a month to guard them. All because of a few assholes that are either too lazy or too stupid to grow there own.
What goes round comes round. I believe in Karma ...
We are, after all, growing a high-priced-commodity crop, for most parts illegally.
That, unfortunately, comes with a price tag, of which theft is the least of the beasts ... I've spent time at Her Majesty's Pleasure for my endeavours ... a humanitarian sin in the eyes of the law, a 'university of growing' if you take the positive approach.

There's always next month / year / it's a plant ...!

Bud the Empathic ... UK

Edit: If someone pinches your grow, take it as a compliment ... I've grown shit not worth pinching!
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Thank you for the flattering comments my good friends. They are all photo's although one has started flowering already so it may be a rouge auto. Lotsa different varieties such as Pepper Jack, Durban Poison, Frisian Dew, Cali Haze, Royal Moby and a whole bunch more. The best of the bunch so far has to be the Hollands Hope. Even a meerkat could grow a HH, they are soooo easy and huge. I hope the smoke is a good as the plant growth. I will post more pics soon
cheers chums, eP.

This blows me away.....you know on many UK based sites Hollands Hope has a nickname called "Hollands Hopeless", and trust me my friend I have had to defend her many times!! Its funny how so many think the strain is poor yet every one I have even seen grown is a decent plant. Now the smoke of the hope...can you describe it to me?