New Grower The next step

Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Salutations everybody,

So far i've germinated 15 autofem seeds and 7 ordinary ones, starting in July 2011. Things went wrong during my 5th session, it was early in 2012: The Borg had arrived!! But i kept hoping i might find a satisfying way to manage with such infestations, eventually. So, i though perhaps it could starve them to death if i skipped cultivation for a few months - and it did buy me some time for a while:

Under 339 Watts CFL (2012-Jun-16)
The main session captured below must have been my 6th or 7th one to life i guess:

Too bad i had stopped keeping grow journals...

Anyway, as i recall December of this same year was dull in terms of harvest so i became curious about mite suffocation (via oxygen displacement by CO2 flooding), which although it was nice to read about didn't really help and then near the automn of 2013 i made some fair progress (at last!) with the addition of an air conditioner to complement my open-structure prototyping platform shown here:

This was never meant to be permanent by the way...

Most fortunately cold temperatures proved quite useful because the spider mites didn't resurface after 2 showers and a permanent drop to ~23 degress Celcius - but damage had been sustained already. Simultaneously, various CFL configurations were evaluated too; this one reached 550 Watts if i'm not mistaking.

The plant was a Cannatonic (non-auto), it had a good start under generous CFL lightning during April, May and maybe a part of June i think. After that i installed it behind a window for at least 2 more months before i put it back under CFLs to finish her life cycle there.

Lets see what it looked like near her best day:


Final weight in dry flowers must have been close to 35 g.


Now, just when i was going to explain what's bugging me at the moment it seems the time has come for a break so i'll have to come back with another post a bit later...

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I'm digging it bud.. looking forward to future updates!
What a slick set up man. I am really impressed!

Happy growing!
Awesome rig man.

nice set-up, best of luck!

Hi again everyone,

Well, i'd be some blunt liar if i pretended such warming feedback doesn't feel good!



Before i begin to comment on my title, "The next step", lets consider the reactions expressed above; and since it seems i found a neighbour...

...someone from my area...

Salut Sofa, cela fait plaisir aussi! :grin: Nice to meet you, so to speak...

Hummm... Maybe i better not to get involved into something i can't finish right now. So instead i'm simply going to display more pictures:

Cannatonic under CFLs
(Germinated in April)


Cannatonic on a Window Sill - but under CFLs for my photo session
(Germinated in May)
The Cannatonic under CFLs was 1 month older than the one on a window sill, the later produced 5 times less dry weight in flowers and yet it was stickier with trichromes. Both were kept below 23 degrees Celcius on average and they were harvested past mid-November, 8 days appart. The elder was cut too late while the other was cut a bit too soon.

It sort of makes me wonder what the younger plant would have looked like if i could have given it more than 8 days, so it would have reached a same old age (and drop some yellow fan-leaves) too!


Though daytime duration really becomes too short when winter is getting close: i had to stop it.


Now that i've shown the ending it may be time for hardware considerations but this has to wait, sorry! So lets just say a piece of (construction) mylar insulation-sheet closes the platform's sides; the rest i'm afraid is likely to require more time, not to mention i yet have to evoke "The next step"...

In any case thanks again for all those replenishing words!

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