YES Mark! There's just about enough there to totally cover Shum's car and the front of his house.

When can we start sticking?
Midnight ! We Dina-Pimp Shumay"s Ride lol and as much of the house as we can before he releases the hounds lol
I read that there setting up guidelines of allowing 4plants per household in the spring .... picturing trash can containers with a 4-6 month veg time lol

  • A limit of four plants per residence
  • A maximum height limit of 100 cm on the plants
  • A prohibition on dangerous manufacturing processes
  • Reasonable security measures to prevent theft and youth access
  • Oversight and approval by local authorities
Can't find the piece but says it still has to be hidden from neighbors etc even on your own property lol

The one thing i'm not liking

"Encourage local authorities to establish their own oversight and approval frameworks, such as requiring individuals to notify local authorities if they are undertaking personal cultivation"

That would give police power to legally harass you 24/7 if they want coming in and checking shit out and on the other side would end up being able to throw the max sentence at you if you didn't let them know :(
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