Today I pollinated the F2's of the new artisanal projects, this generation is normally one I don't tend to photograph.. for a few reasons, normally they're run in summer and we're flat out, then we more or less allow them to stunt a little by keeping them in the 1.5 liter pots much longer than we would usually, this makes finding the autos amongst the non-autos much quicker, but I grabbed a couple of photos.
Auto livers - nicely pungent, nice size, looks far more blues/liversy like than auto blues
Northern cheese haze auto - compact cheesey nugs, when finished this one has the potential to be a nice yielder!
Sour livers #1, very sour crack dominant in structure, but absolutely reeks of livers dankness, so strongly in a room full and fans a blowing it was a doddle to pick out, so i had to pollinate it.
Round hard nugs, very fast development a la sour crack.
Sour livers #2 the largest of the sour livers, faster flowering than the pure auto livers, more open structure and thinner leaves, a little less on the aroma department at this stage than the one just above. but all in all definitey a worthy candidate for knocking up too.