New Grower The love shack!

Here’s an update my friends!! SF still going slow but doin ok. The defol seemed to slow down the HS a bit but is starting to swell up again. Started a couple FB Green Cracks which popped up on the 15th. Trying a diff soil mix on these. 1 part FFOF, 1 part HF, 2 parts Biobizz and 3-4 cups Bokashi mix. Let’s see what happens:pop:

growing buds not leaves stems n stalks at this stage of the grow :thumbsup: im seeing a lot of tasty bud :smokeit:
2 weekers looking good to :smoking:
keep er lit
Smell that sweet skunk guys!!! Oh yeah my bad:smoking: she’s getting heavy for sure. SF gonna get the chop very soon since she is pushin 90 days. The loop
I bought sucks major Hiney!! Do you guys have a recommendation for a good loop or a digi that has good macro?? And what a difference between the Rain Science and my pails!! Holds water like a bitch!!! They are worth the money!!!
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This girl is a fighter!! Still working out my schedule to bring her to the finish line. Temp holding at 80deg with humidity at 40-50%. Going to be chopping SF she got so stunted the poor girl. Pics tomorrow.


Keep it Sparky:smoking:
She is at 26 days. Do you think I waited to long?
shell be great. I had a fan fall on 2 plants at day 25 i believe. Shitty luck it messed both my colas up. Needless to say that fan wont be falling again .however, you tell me
.i think shes gonna be just fine. My cream mandarine is 43 days here
Shes 48 now shes the one on the right next to.13 gallon trash can. Ive done alot of LST on her too.
shell be great. I had a fan fall on 2 plants at day 25 i believe. Shitty luck it messed both my colas up. Needless to say that fan wont be falling again .however, you tell me
.i think shes gonna be just fine. My cream mandarine is 43 days here
Shes 48 now shes the one on the right next to.13 gallon trash can. Ive done alot of LST on her too. View attachment 1101580
looks like she took it well!! Pics later.
This learning curve will be the death of me or my plants.
Pops went to help me out again and mixed some nutes for me but didn’t notice that the scale was set to ounces... yes ounces. He’s old and thought it looked a little much, forgot the megacrop. just did Sweet candy in bud explosion And fed the plant. I flushed the shit outta it.
Just another day in Sparky’s love shack.
Umm Keep it Sparky?!?:smoking: