Live Stoner Chat The Fox Tail Thread!! Bring Out Your FOX TAILS!!

Beautiful Blueberry @dirty budster

This is Galaxy Auto chopped a couple weeks back.




Some of the bottom were as long as 15cm. Straight to the hash pile.
Crazy smell from this girl.
WOW BUDS!! Sorry I haven't been in here all year but GOOD LORD there's some gorgeous pictures of amazing foxtails!! Seriously every single one of you have magazine quality buds!!! WONDERFULLY GROWN EVERYONE!!

:spels::spels::spels::spels::spels::spels: :shooty::shooty::shooty::shooty::shooty: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :greenthumb: :bravo::bravo::bravo::bravo:

I have dished out MAX REP to everyone since my last like until the last post here! If I have missed someone please tag me and I'll take care of it!!

Anyone else care to throw down some Foxtails? :devil:
The picture don't do them any justice plus they still have 30 more day also took the picture through the window in my tent c02 is only Dutch Passions Think Big and fuck they are some of the biggest colas I've seen View attachment 601930
30 days to go wow they look just about ready the now from this pic i am eager to see in 30 days
Awesome stuff guys!!! Truly!! Keep em coming!! Remember... A max global slap for anyone who posts fox tails from their AFN documented grow!!

Bring out your fox tails!!!