Autopot system will be turned on in the next day or 2 and the airdomes were just now turned on 4hrs after the pics and both just shown sex today
Green Crack Day 21

Tangie Day 21
tangie top day 21.JPG
Good day fastbuds crew;) here my fastbuds blackberry auto.28 4 weeks old today.was topped at day 14 of life then left to grow.she is quite big to say she is in an 11 litre pot.also her preflowers have purple in some beautiful buds to come;) here she is
happy growing every1;)
Step better show something or I will have to penalize him 5 votes
I didn't have any internet and my cell service was fu*@ed, got about 40" of snow in the last 4 days and another 16" tomorrow. I'll try and get a pic up tonight but no guarantee.. I got to put a starter on my plow truck first... Unless you want to shovel for me