To tired of losing shipments to customs. Like I have said before it's a shame Fastbud's don't get a US based shipping point and payment method sorted like another autoflower breeder does. I would drop some coin for some but just not going to risk any more hits due to customs's a bum deal.
I here you
To tired of losing shipments to customs. Like I have said before it's a shame Fastbud's don't get a US based shipping point and payment method sorted like another autoflower breeder does. I would drop some coin for some but just not going to risk any more hits due to customs's a bum deal.
Mine always comes through NYC and never had a problem. I hear folks that have to go through Chicago customs get their stuff snagged all the time.
Personally I'm tired ordering seeds from overseas and paying extra for products so they can ship them stealth and then I don't get the Breeders packs. I used to always get the Breeders packs from attitude and choice, they just aren't shipping in breeders packs anymore.

My last order was total bullshit, I included a special handling notice it if you can't ship the Breeders backs don't bother sending this order at all.

The way I see it if I pay full retail and buy a purse or whatever to ship them in just so I can have the damn breeder packs. They need to send the packs.

Anyway, im done buying from anybody that won't ship breeder packs.
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Personally I'm tired ordering seeds from overseas and paying extra for products so they can ship them stealth and then I don't get the Breeders packs. I used to always get the Breeders packs from attitude and choice, they just aren't shipping in breeders packs anymore.

My last order was total bullshit, I included a special handling notice it if you can't ship the Breeders backs don't bother sending this order at all. Three weeks later I get a leather bracelet with all my seeds stuck up under some brass studs not even in a package of any kind just rolling around loose.

The way I see it if I pay full retail and buy a purse or whatever to ship them in just so I can have the damn breeder packs. They need to send the packs.

Anyway, im done buying from anybody that won't ship breeder packs.
Last purchase I made from the big ape they sent the breeder packages.