Here's the cabbage... I raised the light for the last time today.

Sorry bout the pics, girls didn't get any love today. Just enough time for some bondage and a drink.

What is everyone else using for ferts..?

Is everyone LED..?
I am using AN nutes. Including cal/mag plus, Sensi grow and bloom, B52, Carboload, Voodoo and once a week Recharge. Also have Terpinator for use during bloom.

As for lights I have two P300s LED panels 90Veg/180Bloom watts each at the plug.
@Mossy i made sure to add extra ca mg fert and other goodues from aurora /roots. I just got more of their stuff because I like water only over mixing and ph adjusting nutes. Im using cobs and one other led for side lighting
I checked the plants real quick this morning..Looks like I might've been too rough last night. I think I broke a branch. Not like supercropping, like wizzled up dead
I checked the plants real quick this morning..Looks like I might've been too rough last night. I think I broke a branch. Not like supercropping, like wizzled up dead
Bummer.. here is a pic from last night during feeding.. she is a giant... bending her over half day and leaf tucking paid off.. she needs some defoliation which she will get soon.