Go Gladiators
Some Super Girls you got growing here...:bravo:

Looking Wonderfully Green and Healthy..
DAY 28
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Ph was set to 6.7 and the above was added to 5 litres of natural spring water.
Each lady got 1.2 litre.

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Very bushy with excellent branching I'm very excited to see her stretch and see were she ends up at.

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I'm absolutely ecstatic how much this Strain has overcome the early stress she's becoming the best of this run her branching is insane.
My good friend @tripaholic88 predicted this

What is everyone else using for ferts..?

Is everyone LED..?
GH Maxi Bloom.. Im back on a Lucas Ratio feed..yes LED ,so supplementing cal mag and silica... Adding bloom booster now

Welcome Home @Mossy !!

Cheers @budelee :bighug:

All led here and my soil/feed is an ammended supersoil. Using recharge weekly for additional boost.

Cheers @Dudeski ...must be Good amended soil to keep up with LED growth..:d5:

I'm using AN sensi coco bloom a+b, sensi cal mag, big bud, voodoo juice, zyme, bloombastic, drip clean.

All DIY COB LED'S here.

Cheers @Roasty McToasty ...COB's...:d5:..how you finding them....?
All the Excited Talk for the last few months in the Back shop has been about COB's...:biggrin:..so how are you finding them so far..?

Yes ma'am, LED and Elite nutrients

Cheers @stepside :d5:...I was looking at @Bailey 's fert photo Thinking Yeah that is a Nice Advert for them..then I Thought..Nice advert for them All...coz all the girls look in tip Top Condition...:headbang:..I Like to know the gear we use on our little Hobby is Worth the Money..

I'm running the Nectar for the God's sample pack under Northern Growlights 95 watt quantum boards. Here they are today:

Mexican Airlines
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Cheers @MateraGaia ...does sample pack mean Free sample...?..:eyebrows:

What do you Think of them up to now..?..your Girls certainly look in Good Condition.
The Nectar for the Gods has a "sample pack" ,all a person has to cover is the shipping ( about 20-30$ US) ...