Heres my 31 i think( ill check calender) first is Gidget
Next is Ugly Betty

Last is Toe-Knee
the LST will continue and the Cobasuarus Rex was lowered a bit..i'll try and find the sweet spot( just before sunburn..bwahahaha!!)
So far, how you liking your new light?
I like it a lot!! No more jamming em together to get in the footprint of the light,, plenty of room for em to spread, light to all areas and air circulation!!.. I'll keep lowering it every few days until i see the tallest( natural-boring as feck) plant start to stress!!
I like it a lot!! No more jamming em together to get in the footprint of the light,, plenty of room for em to spread, light to all areas and air circulation!!.. I'll keep lowering it every few days until i see the tallest( natural-boring as feck) plant start to stress!!
Her name is guinea pig.. Where's @jingo I'm curious to what he'd cooking