Indoor The Devil and the Rose

hey bandit? shouldn't you be germing some new seeds bout now? how many you gonna do this time? are you gonna get hooked up with bunch a free beans like jt?
And to be honest Bandit I did have my beasts with me at the time and don't think the thought didn't cross my mind! Lol but I didn't want to risk a dog fight with his sweet lil husky. That's the sadest minute she is taking a whooping and the next she would probably try to protect the dude who was just beating her. I just shoved him on his ass and took his dog home with me and called animal services. Below is pix of her with my Cane Corso pup.


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Thanks Faded bro...that means a lot my man!! I'm sure y'all would have done the same in my shoes. ;)
And ya..what's up next Bandit? U gonna be all secret squirrel on us again??
This reminds me of the recent news story I saw in my feed: I guess some dude was sick of seeing his neighbor abusing their (the neighbors) dog, so he videotaped it over the fence one day and gave the tape to the cops lol. Something like that. I didn't read the story, I can't read that stuff or see the videos, it pisses me off way too much lol.
That's what it's about - one big family. I think we's all trying to run with the big dogs, some just running a bit faster than others. lol

Yep animal abusers are the lowest of the low. Right down there with child abusers and wife beaters!

We all remember and pay homage to those we view as mentors. Waxi, JT, GB. Faded, and a few others, as far as I'm concerned, y'all rock!
I must have missed how much you got of the DD. will have to look back.
Yeah Bandit. What the fu..k man. You get lost at work again? We are those beans.
I gest. Hope your well and have beans in water. Oh speaking of water....when you got nuts like mine you have to sit to pee. Washes the sweat off!!!! Lmaao! Love the black cream.
lmfao. roark? that's frickin hilarious bro.washes em.lolol... dude jt? I love your dog bro. blue brindle? gorgeous man. oh you know it duck!! everybody gets a kick outta the duckster. glad your girls are finally putting a smile on your face duck.
Yewh I was sampling. Glad you agreed faded.