God of Plants
You're welcome. Yeah bro itt'l prob take you days to get caught up lol! Things are going great man! Getting so close to harvest myself I can almost taste it.
What up, JT?! How everything going down?! I may be doing some writing for an online site, soon! 5 he site is still being worked on, but I spoke with one of the behind the scenes people on Saturday, and she asked if I'd like to do some writing for the site! I told her I'd like to think about a few things before I commit, and she was cool with that. Jealous??!! You just received about 10 billion seeds, and you're the top dog (well, maybe that's a bit much, but it sounds good!) at nugs.com!! I'm trying to be like you!!
4 sho
I'm with you guys. This site be IT! home sweet home. Be a good roommate bandit wipe the damn seat!
Pennsylvania? what the crap? man, you guys are getting all these cool ass gigs, getting badass leds and shit. man you guys got it made. dude jt? I member when you first joined. I had a buddy growin up named Justin trudine. so I was like wander if that's him. then 1 day I member you said you almost kick neighbors ass for bein asshole to dog.lmao. I was like this dudes got his own health problems and hes gonna kick someones ass for bein mean to dog. that's one cool ass mofo right there.lololol. bandit and waxi my down ass brothers. bubblekarma always nice to give a lil shit too once in while.lol and a few noobs ive taken a likin too. yep yalls pat of me family.peace