Indoor The Devil and the Rose

You all are definitely all awsome. This is a great family!!!!
And you speak the truth, my fellow grower from The Land of the Midnight Sun! Ever came across any MTF beans? If I were still back home, I'd be trying to track that bit of treasure down!! If you ever do, hit me wit a PM!
I thought MTF was a clone only strain, but that info could be long outdated lol. I bet someone has reversed and bx'ed it by now.
Hmmm, you may be right. I don't know. I do know that when I was a kid, way back when, I remember seeing my parents and some of their friends sharing, and talking about, seeds for "that Thunder Funk", as they used to call it. Not sure if they were real MTF seeds, or not, but this was back in the 80's
hey TGB, glad to see your smiling face. the sugah is lookin real sweet.and I'm with you fellers on being family. :pighug:
Oooh, you slick devil, you! On my list she goes!
Haha...I still see that mofo who's dog I took that day all the time. I eye ball him every time hood style. Lol can't stand that animal services gave him his dog back. I'm a pretty peaceful dude but I'm a true blue dog lover and if I ever see one being mistreated sick or not imma put a stop to it quick time! And his poor dog was soo sweet. .just hand shy as fuck!! Sorry for the potty mouth but dogs are one of my passions as many of you know I'm a Mastiff owner myself.
You're a boss in my book, JT! I like how you get down, my man. I can't stand to see a 8itch abusing a dog.
you see what I mean? dude is just titts!!! how could you not love a brother like jt