The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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Hey bob, I saw a set up yesterday that was made up of a 9v battery, wire and silver, in other words, would the 9v battery work as opposed to milliamps through a charger?.

they do work , but become costly as one battery is hardly enough for one batch

its far better to use an adaptor from ,,,,, say an electric shaver for example

peace :Cool:
Thanks, but if it's under cfls or florescent lighting it would be okay to spray and leave the plants under those lights even if it's not dry?

yes , i always do it and im pumping a lot of cfl watts and lumens for the size of the room

peace :Cool:
ya overspray is something you dont need...

good mention

when im spraying my reversed plants they are still alone in the breeding room , if further spraying is needed once the other plants are brought in i remove the reversed plants to spray them

peace :Cool:
Bob, working on an idea for CS production. Is it a bad thing if the air line is running between the rods? Not completely bound together just floating in between them. Wondering if this would impede the electrical current.
Bob, working on an idea for CS production. Is it a bad thing if the air line is running between the rods? Not completely bound together just floating in between them. Wondering if this would impede the electrical current.

thats how i have mine , i do it to help keep the wires from touching if i bump it or anything

peace :Cool:
Fantastic! When I get my alligator clips and do this I will post results on this thread :)
Here it is!
full shot - Copy.jpg

I had some issues with my previous attempts at CS. First was the mess. I have become a sort of neat freak in my old age. That bubbler spraying water all over the place really had me freaking. Then I was constantly having to check to make sure that the rods weren't touching since they were just floating there. I made some changes and came up with this.

First, I took a common mason jar, appealing to me because I could make it all enclosed, and drilled three holes in the lid. I was surprised at how easily these holes drilled into it. Two holes to the side for the rods and one in the center for the air line tube. Here's the top assembled and brewing:
top - Copy.jpg

Please notice the tubing that is in the holes for the rods. I did this for two reasons. One was to shield the rods from the metal in the lid and the second was to act as a guiding sheath to help hold the rods in place. The latter I ensured by leaving the bottom of the tubing longer than the top:

tube guide - Copy.jpg

I hope you all can see this. I basically have an inch on the top and two inches of tubing going into the jar. I placed a ring of electric tape around the tubing to friction fit into the holes. This helps to bend the tubes a little too to keep the rods of silver where you want them.

The electrical components are all hooked up with a small pair of alligator clip jumper cables that I got on ebay for ~$5 with shipping. When it comes time to wipe down the rod I simply grasp the beak holding the rod so I can remove the rod without disassembling the whole setup:

rod pulled - Copy.jpg

The jar also is an ideal container to make the brew because you can simply shine the laser right through it (pinch the tubing so the bubbling stops to make it easier to see silver particles). When it's done you simply swap the drilled lid for a regular solid one and then simply store it right in the same container you made it in! Of course you have to store it in a cool dark place but if you don't have one I am sure you could just wrap it with a garbage bag or some other black plastic to protect it.

I hope this help someone! I love it!
Hello Bob! was wondering how your new feminizing experiment is turning out. Thanks!