The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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When I make the CS Im going to use a 5V phone charger with alligator clips and silver wire yata yata yata and so on, but I was wondering is the air stone necessary?
Thanks in advance!

yes , go back to post 1

if you have no aquarium air pump you can sit a glass jar on your stove or a hot plate set very low , the heat will make the water move/rise in turn circulating it , however , if memory servs me right the air is beneficial in other ways as well ,,,,, maybe i should re-read the tutorial to refresh my knowledge too lol

best of luck

peace :Cool:
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Rdeaton I bought colloidal silver from amazon but after searching around and seeing horrific effects on plants I decided to make my own. It is indeed working and I have some brewing as we speak. The only complicated part is timing it for a day off when you can be at home. I don't trust the thing plugged in while I'm gone or sleeping. Never had a problem but I'm still leery. Not to mention its way cheaper and much more convenient than being at the mercy of your local health food store or the post office if ordering online, and there is no measuring or guess work to get the ppm correct.

it is always best to be safe/remain careful , this however might seam like bad advice but im going to say it anyway , its not to have people become careless or anything , its just to help ease peoples minds

we are working with such low voltage we arent going to burn the house down , the spark produced when the wires accidentally touch (in water and out) is far less then the spark from a lighter that uses electrical spark and not a flint

but yes , by all means STAY SAFE everyone , practice safe methods to never have to worry

peace :Cool:
I have in my possession right now, a bottle of CS from a pharmacy that is 20 ppm. It is in clear container and a year old. From all the reading I done here this will not work. Friday I will order wire and charger. I have airpump but not air stone. Will pump without airstone be good enough? I will be back asking questions when I have everything.
From what I've heard you need higher ppm. Air stones are super cheap and everywhere! Otherwise it will be hard to keep the air line sunk in the water. It may just float. I guess you could use a rock..:peace:
for the last year or so ive used just the air hose , it can be tricky getting the hose exactly where you want it , but easy to keep it sunk

ive used 5 month old c.s with success but never tried older

peace :Cool:

edit , do not attach anything to the hose to keep it sunk , you will introduce impurities to the water
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Sorry guys I clearly missed the air stone thing in the first post. Thanks for all your help guys!
Well it's going to be a while before I post any pics of a changed plant. Within five days the thing Is half dead. This will be the fourth plant to meet its untimely demise in my cabinet. It must be heat spikes or some other reason. I'm glad I keep a journal for myself because I got all the explicative's out of my system >:( I'm throwing the cab away and will have to come up with something new...
Well it's going to be a while before I post any pics of a changed plant. Within five days the thing Is half dead. This will be the fourth plant to meet its untimely demise in my cabinet. It must be heat spikes or some other reason. I'm glad I keep a journal for myself because I got all the explicative's out of my system >:( I'm throwing the cab away and will have to come up with something new...

are the dead/dieing plants ones you are spraying ?

i killed my last one by over watering even though it was only being watered half as often as the rest
are the dead/dieing plants ones you are spraying ?

i killed my last one by over watering even though it was only being watered half as often as the rest
I took overwatering into account per our earlier conversation on it. It is the one I have been spraying so I have not been watering heavily at all. I swear this cab is cursed . Actually I think it is just getting hot towards the middle of the day. I am going to rig something up in my main garden. This has been the fourth plant to die in this stupid thing. Has what I thought was adequate ventilation but they reach a certain height and just go to shit. Thought it was a mag deficiency but a spray with Epsom salts did absolutely nothing. Never again in the cab, growing for buds or pollen! Never again...