The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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spray the entire plant !

those that spray a branch or two are also the ones who claim poor results

if the plant is in full bloom (budding) you waited too long

start spraying at first signs of pre flowers

you are in the right site/forum/thread if you wish to learn and be 100% successful with c.s reversal

best of luck preserving the "extreamly limited genetics"

peace Cool:
Thanks guys! Bob, you mean the entire plant except the fan leaves correct? Thinking this route (the entire plant) would be the best route. Pollen collecting is indeed fun! Except the allergies that come along with it haha!
I'm thinking its darn near impossible to miss the fan leaves when spraying a plant as small as one just showing preflowers. I will start one of my freebie fems and see what happens when I spray the whole dang thing. Won't be out anything at least!
I'm thinking its darn near impossible to miss the fan leaves when spraying a plant as small as one just showing preflowers. I will start one of my freebie fems and see what happens when I spray the whole dang thing. Won't be out anything at least!

why would you want to "miss the fan leaves" ? thats just silly , who told you to do that ?

you want to penetrate the PLANT , the ENTIRE plant , read this thread and you will do fine

i soak the entire plant once a day

peace Cool:
Not sure why so many people are under the impression that CS can just reverse one branch? I believe something like Tierra Mist or gibberellic acid can reverse one branch, but that is due to the stress I believe of the giberrilic acid, where as CS is penetrating the cell wall and prohibiting the expression of the male gene (or something along those lines), so using CS is to for ONLY reversing an entire plant, I sprayed the shit out of mine daily from home made CS I learned to make on AFN ;) Cheers! It works all the time, though I happen to personally be a fan of the HIGHLY TOXIC STS as its so much easier to use to me... Though 100x more dangerous than CS. Be sure to use sts in a well ventilated area, wear gloves,masks, goggle..,

CS on the other hand I will drink, have used it to cure skin infections (including one time cellulitist that it took care of without me taking antibiotics. What ever you do if you have reg beans try to make reg seeds first so you have an ample supply of beans to experiment with all sortsa different shit, CS and STS reversal, lst, dwc, coco grows when you have a bunch of beans screwing up 10 of them doesn't become such a big deal other waste
Of time and grow space, sending you best of luck! If you need any help feel free to pm me.
Thank you all for the wonderful information on growing our medicine!!! Just for reference here is the site I have been getting most of the info on cs treatments etc.

It is a HUGE thread so I don't expect you to read it but one of the most disturbing things is when she tries to do the entire plant:

Maybe she was using a wrong type of cs (she did buy it on amazon), or something else. The gist is that after watching her plants self destruct she started only doing the bottom branches of the plants and selfing them. It is certainly an aha moment though to read the comments about having to change the whole plant, as she only received minimal amounts of pollen!!! Anyways, not trying to beat a dead horse just trying to explain where I received the info I have been posting about. Thanks again for everything guys :)
Thank you all for the wonderful information on growing our medicine!!! Just for reference here is the site I have been getting most of the info on cs treatments etc.

It is a HUGE thread so I don't expect you to read it but one of the most disturbing things is when she tries to do the entire plant:
View attachment 252194

Maybe she was using a wrong type of cs (she did buy it on amazon), or something else. The gist is that after watching her plants self destruct she started only doing the bottom branches of the plants and selfing them. It is certainly an aha moment though to read the comments about having to change the whole plant, as she only received minimal amounts of pollen!!! Anyways, not trying to beat a dead horse just trying to explain where I received the info I have been posting about. Thanks again for everything guys :)

be it bad c.s or whatever the problem is/was , THEY screwed up , and i for one would not follow their advice at all

did you see MY pics of FULLY reversed plants in this thread ? page 3 i think , take a close look , not a female flower/pistil in sight and the leaves/plants are very healthy showing no signs of stress whatsoever

i explain why plants react like that and i explain how to avoid it , it is not the c.s doing it , it is the person applying it

go back to page one and start reading , once you get through this thread you will know what you need to know , FORGET what you read elsewhere

not trying to be rude or forceful , and not trying to pat myself on the back , just trying to help you and anyone else who wants to learn

best of luck and peace Cool:
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Thanks again Bob. You have been a great help. Thank you too Cres for the push. Your words have been duly noted. I just ordered my silver wire and have located a power supply. I feel that since the CS used on the plant in the pic was a bought product it indeed sealed it's doom. Everyone here feels like family to me! It's been sooooo long going this all alone!:hug: Thanks again guys. I will be following instructions to the letter.