Than too late for what? I'm hoping I don't get home and three days of doing this are down the drain..
Wish I could make it home now to check! Lol! Another hour an half...
as the ppm's go up the spead increases as
InHumboldt mentioned , due to the water now being more conductive , the downfall is that as it speeds up it makes larger colloids we dont want
this has all been mentioned numerous times , you need to read then read again , have everything fresh in mind , then go for it
if your silver rods/wires are getting covered in gunk quickly it is a sure sign your ppm's have gotten up there pretty high , if they remain clean then ppm's are still low , this means both , small batches and large ones
once you know your generator works and what to watch for you dont even need to check ppm's anymore , you just know
if you do have a ppm meter then check when you get home , but i wouldnt worry about rushing home to check it , ive gone for a nap , or what i thought would be a nap knowing my c.s was nearing done , woke up 6 hours later with both wires covered in gunk , the c.s was still fine , i just dont dump the bottom gunky c.s water into the storage container or spray bottle
ive got faith you will and are doing fine yoda