I uderstand what your saying bob And in responce to that I have to say my experince was completely the reverse in as he sent me a complete set up to make CS
Free thats right no cost along with it he sent a Certificate of Analyssis for the silver wires. I can only speak for my self Sorry your outcome was not as mine.
I agree 110% do the research before using any of the CS thats on the market
Happy Holidays

i was sure someone would mention a complete different experience from my own as the guy does seem compassionate, ive talked to him over the phone a couple times and he seemed fine, but when in email (less personal) he got all wierd and renagged on his return promis he made over the phone , he began quoting star wars movie scenes, at that point i figured id forget about it, it isnt just my loss but his as well because i will not buy from him ever again and sure others i know will not either, plus ive now found a supplier that sells one size bigger/better wire for the same price and after shipping i paid less
i dont know what the reason is for this wrong wire, maybe a supplier screwed him or something , but i assure you the silver should not have peeled off like a coating , the wire should be silver throughout , even if not 99.99% pure, even the 96% stirling should be 96% throughout, wouldnt you agree ? , as mentioned i can take pics if you would like to see, you can see where the wire was in contact with the water or submerged in it i should say, and you can see where it wasnt , it is very clear to see that the silver peeled off in the submerged portion leaving a grey low quality looking wire underneath, my old well used wires still do not look like this , even though they look dull compaired to new wire, they still look shiny compaired to this junk wire i recieved that was only used ONCE
here is to hoping each and everyone else has a better experience with this guy like you had Man In The Jar and not like the experience i had, i can not and will not promote him or his product and would advise people to shop elsewhere
as for the OP and the title of this thread ,,,,, this might not be the place for buying the finished solution, but if you wanted to buy insted of make a c.s generator id go here ,,,,,,,,
it is where i got thicker /better wire cheaper after shipping , both companies had to ship past customs as neither are in canada and i am, but the aussi company charged less then the american one
EDIT : when at that link there are link buttons to the left, some are for c.s info and are very VERY informative
edit again lol , thier generators only make up to a 20 ppm solution but no timer is required , it shuts off at 10 - 20 ppm depending on how you set it , better for drinking it and not over doing it causing you to turn blue grey , but imo a properly made 20 ppm solution will reverse your plant/plants , ive made/used 30 ppm and it worked fine and just as fast as 40 ppm