New Grower The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Introduction with Think Different and Auto Frisian Dew

I almost don't believe this was your first grow. Amazing man, you definitely did your homework :slap: you're gonna be getting alot more of those things bet.
I almost don't believe this was your first grow. Amazing man, you definitely did your homework :slap: you're gonna be getting alot more of those things bet.

Thanks for rep, the girls are getting all giddy in a pompous and self-important sort of way, this morning they demanded unsulphured molasses and oat porridge with champagne or they wouldn't stop flowering
..........claimed plain vanilla water disagree with their digestion and Pamela Anderson only drinks select vintage Dom Perignon to prevent sagging issues ..... On and on it went until I switched the lights off...... Bliss!

Yeah, homework.....well, I've grown plants for many years and had gardens from the tropics to temperate, but yes, probably delayed first grow by some 3 months to soak up as many canna growing vibes as possible , this was a bit of a blessing in disguise though, as the new Dutch Opium Act (weed law) went into effect in the meantime with the consequent tribulations, costs and hassles...... But AFN and a few other sites has been instrumental in this first grow barely keeping it's nose above water...... Dunno what I did right, but I'll hopefully figure it out over a couple of Weissbier sometime!
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Whooaaa.. it's a jungle in there man! Those TDs are monsters.

Yeah, you used the right word, jungle...... Got any spare machetes laying about?

Well, it's a beginners mistake, it's too much I feel, that is too many plants of those 2 strains for the space available, but when I started I never thought this mayhem would ensue, and 5 noob grown plants would be just right with still a bit of work space..... Standing humbled and corrected. Well, I've decided to take it on the chin, get up and stupidly march out and do it all over again.... Any cannamania shrinks or terapeuts on here offering free sessions?

It already happening with the 7 AU's in the other room, and worse I think, there it looks like a junglish thicket..... If you know what I mean!
I snipped off a flower stand from the Frisian #2 4 days ago and let if dry in a cardboard it was incinerated and what a pleasant vindication of my feeble efforts.....very nice effect I thought(I'm not an everyday smoker) and the BH said it is absolutely acceptable, better than the white widow and amnesia we have been buying in the coffee shops. We don't vape, yet, so it was smoked in a joint with tobacco.
It sort of sneaks up on you, not like the heavy stone of a white widow, more mellow and cerebral to begin with, and then you wanna lie down and manipulate the remote for the music broadcaster thingie................Coldplay and some Jean Michel Jarre goes nicely with Frisian Dew

I took another bud off the TD #1 yesterday, and will let her dry for another 2 days or so before putting it to the
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Day 94

Yesterday was the day when I finally found the keys to the
and with determination and gusto the razing of the canna tents began.....unfortunately the damn thing ran out of gas after 2 plants, and a good old fashioned
had to be deployed........

Overall state of affairs


TD #2, first to go chop chop, the smaller of the 2 TD's

before and after

Wet weight 764 g

Frisian Dew #2

Next up was the FD that seemed to suffer from Ca deficiency throughout, no matter what was done to her, and she dutifully soldiered on......


wet weight 634 g
