New Grower The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Introduction with Think Different and Auto Frisian Dew

Very impressive growing corgy man. Theyre all beasts
So, it is done........I wrestled the remaining TD to the ground and delivered the mortal blow. She yielded 1012 g wet, so the total for the 5 plants is 4246 g.

Who would have thought, relatively speaking, a Frisian Dew midget would out-yield 2 TD's grown under the same conditions............
I do not envy you drying and curing that mountain of weed ... if it gets to be a little too much realize that most harvests that size are dried in a barn not in a house, by people using pitchforks instead of tweezers ...
A pitchfork....... Gee thanks....... Good advise.... Lol

Here's the barn