New Grower The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Introduction with Think Different and Auto Frisian Dew

Holy cow, Corgy! That's a lot of light! Nice setup and huge plants. :cheers:

Thanks mate, dunno what I have done wrong to deserve this........I always help old ladies across the street and never park in the reserved spaces in front of the MISTAKE is undoubtedly reading too much stuff on AFN and telling the chicas about it.........and this on the first grow..............the canna deities are howling with laughter's
Nice thread Corgy, nice grow nice plants nice job. Way to keep it entertaining my man :slap:

Thank you very you by any chance have a machete I can borrow? has taken a bit of effort and much gnashing of my molars to get this far.......does anyone know how to hack a website and get to the fookin owners......I would really like my money back, and so would many others judging from the comments on Dutch weed forums?

If it hadn't been for the scam, I would've had 6 HS1's and a Bluelab Guardian by now.....doggone it!
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And by the way.......I am always open to comments, critique, suggestions, scorn, ridicule, advise, flattery, thumbs up and such, etc, etc..........I always get the message, never mind the delivery........everybody is ALWAYS welcome at the CannaDrama Tabernacle........

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Thank you mate........any funniness is purely accidental.........I can't say anything about HS1 vs other lights, it's my first grow.....what I can say is that as finances allow everything will be HS1 or similar if such hopefully exists at that blessed time, purely because of the power present grow is worrying me no end because of the amount of juice running through the wires..........I have a smart meter with a built-in SIM card..........

The Autopot hasn't been switched on yet, they have been inhabited but you have to allow for 10-14 days until the plants are firmly established.........but that's for another thread
wait and see.gif
Thank you........any funniness is purely accidental.........I can't say anything about HS1 vs other lights, it's my first grow.....what I can say is that as finances allow everything will be HS1 or similar if such hopefully exists at that blessed time, purely because of the power present grow is worrying me no end because of the amount of juice running through the wires..........I have a smart meter with a built-in SIM card..........

you're like James Bond with all your stuff :):cool1:


but how do you feel with your autopots is it worth buying?

considering testing them if they worth buying ..
how does it work with nutrition, it is difficult to keep the ladyz happy?
after all plants/ladyz are the different and..

Well, I use big pots and it came as a bit of surprise how big the chicas want to be, so any grow system that does not involve me having to obtain a 10 l watering can driving license seems the way to go......and from what I have heard Autopots with airdomes is hardly a bad way to go.......time will tell if I get along with them!

There is a thread by @Hansbricks on here that will give you better answer and maybe more’-dutch-passion-led-coco-autopot-grow-–-think-different-autoblueberry.41432/
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Well, I use big pots are it came as a bit of surprise how big the chicas want to be, so any grow system that does not involve me having to obtain a 10 l watering can driving license seems the way to go......and from what I have heard Autopots with airdomes is hardly a bad way to go.......time will tell if I get along with them!

There is a thread by @Hansbricks on here that will give you better answer and maybe more’-dutch-passion-led-coco-autopot-grow-–-think-different-autoblueberry.41432/

tnx corgy :)

I will go and ask his lot now :crying:

hope you kick ass and get some big big girls !
