Live Stoners The Cabin...

Hi Everybody,

We are okay, we have a new house and a new Town to create havoc in. I am going to close this thread. I am also going to post the last pics I will show of the ol' cabin. Warning: graphic photos. If you get queasy at the site of burned cannabis (by fire) then don't look. The house is in there, you may recognize a few things from previous pics.

Look for the New Cabin here: Liink to the New Cabin

I loved this old thread. I won't get rid of it, and I will comment on anything you respond to. Thanks for viewing.

The cabin


This would be our entry in the Wild Thailand Ryder grow off


This was the the part up against the front porch. had the White Widow and the Big Bang, and some crosses growing here.


These survived, but with no water for over a week in 100 degree temperatures.
Amnesia Haze x Lowrider is the one on the left.

More devastation...


The neighbors behind us also lost their home, you can see a bit on the left in the background.


Husqvarne Chainsaw


The California Light Works LED 400

The greenhouse area of the Garden

Peace Out :jointman:

Love Root and Eek

Damn Eek, Root, all I can say is I love you both. I wish peace, love and the pioneering spirit of rebuilding upon both of you as you move forward into a new chapter in your lives.
Thank you all for the Love and Karma

When you are ready my brother and sister, we are here. Sorry if we worry, you are family and we obviously care about you. Your pain is our pain. Much love folks. Hey I don't got a lot of room, but if you like you could hang here in Hawai'i.

Thanks for the invite!
Eeks boss has a house in Hawaii...during the fire there was a tsunami warning And the volcano close to her house was threatening to erupt!
Hope all is well with you.

:bighug::bighug::bighug:Eek and Root, you dear, good folks, I can't believe this happened,...Every night watching the news I've been crossing everything except my eyes, praying for you to get a break,.. I'm utterly gutted no such fortune came your way,... damn damn damn... yes, I'm glad you had warning and some time to gather, and most important you two and the fuzzy family are okay, but still,...I weep for you anyway.... Please hang tough Eek and Root, we think the world of you two! If I/we can help in any way, you've but to ask, okay? Sending you much strength and love my friends... :goodluck::karmacloud::peace::karmacloud::goodluck: :bighug::bighug::bighug:
It was a bit crazy here for a while...all we lost were material things.

Eek and Root So sorry to hear the news. We lost out home in FL in 2005 to Hurricane Wilma. It was Terrible we Lost alot of Close Items that meant alot.

Glad to hear you and the Animals are ok.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry you lost your home too.
Most items can be replaced but you are right...there are some things that meant a lot and can not be replaced.
We try not to dwell on what we lost, but what we will rebuild.

Damn Eek, Root, all I can say is I love you both. I wish peace, love and the pioneering spirit of rebuilding upon both of you as you move forward into a new chapter in your lives.

Thats how we feel...this new chapter in our lives...rebuilding together...we are well on our way.

Good to see ya eek!! yea mother nature... I cant wait to see what you guys have planned with the new place..

Well, as long as we are here there will not be any outside plants. It will take us a while to get stuff we need for indoor growing...but several people have given us slow cookers and stuff so we can still make meds.

Thank you everyone for all your support!
So many homes were lost in this area...lots of people are still in tents with no place to go...much Karma still needed here. This community is resilient and will rebuild.

Eek and Root, I am speechless. Seeing the devastation has made this old hippie cry, and if you knew me, I don't do that. I am hit with so much pain in my heart for you and your family!

Sending you guys ALL off the positive energy I have, and will be carrying you in my heart!
