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Thanks ... She has been a fun plant to grow so far.
The Blueberry cookies and the Ocean Grown cookies have both been very fun plants to grow and would definitely Grow again painless. As far as growing is concerned. Right now they're great plants. Both of them are semi resistant to the powdery mildew and the bugs don't seem to be bothering either one of them too much. Aphids a little bit on the Blueberry but other than that and a touch of PM.
But Hell it's got PM on both sides of it and my neighbor's yard too.
It might do much better in a more open environment where if it could get better sun around it and airflow.
The Ocean Grown had gotten a little tiny bit of p.m. on it but I haven't seen it since.
I treat frequently with H202.[emoji482]
Once a week aloe vera 200x and you wont see no pm on your girls. At least i haven't and humidity runs 90% every night. Shit is expensive but it works.
Once a week aloe vera 200x and you wont see no pm on your girls. At least i haven't and humidity runs 90% every night. Shit is expensive but it works.
Thanks faded[emoji481][emoji482]

I'll give it a go. I've not used the Aloe yet. But have red much about it.
I'm using many different organic mold remedies.
Hydrogen peroxide and water h202. Works as a wash.
Saver Gro organic mold cure made from garlic extract. Works until it rains.
Neem, but in flower now. Can't use now.
Optic foliar spray Transport and ATAK mixed with the Saver gro mold cure. Works but is Very pricey to use.
Actinovate good fungus to fight the bad fungus amongus. I just started using this. As in feeding for systemic and foliar spray as well. Many Growers and many grow stores like have recommended this product. I've watched several videos on professionals growers using this product and other good fungus products that all have the same fungus. But some of them work in flower good and some of them don't so well in the flowering stage.

P.M. is a B.... I've been studying powdery mildew. Come to find out that once you seen it it's probably been in your plant for about 4 weeks already.
It's systemic almost all the time and is inside your plant. So the best way to combat it is from the inside out.
I have it in my area BAD. My neighbor has it in her yard and my other neighbor has it in their yard. My whole neighborhood has some form of powdery mildew some place in their yards.
I would have to treat my entire neighborhood in order to control my yard.

I had made my own concoction a couple weeks ago which work really well for like 3 or 4 days. I seen no powdery mildew on anything for that time. But it had raw eggs in it and I thought it mite not be good to use in flower.

This is the treatment I'm using now. With the H202 wash after a rain (if) I was unable to cover the grow cage before it rained.[emoji482]
I was planning on final picture day for dinafem goty battle plant to be on August 1st...I will NOT be able to take t he battle plant out until july 26th at the earliest.

When I accepted to grow for this battle it was based on the information that Mongol told me the date for the final battle is his quote from our PM conversation
"it starts 1. May with a pre-germdate of 2 weeks, so seeds can get germed by 17th April, so in 4 weeks around and grow battle combatants must provide a harvest pic to the 1.August to poll so growing photos in around 14 weeks from seed to harvest..."

Now I just read davisgirl post and the final pic day has changed to 7/24...
This is not right
Ok, I get it. I could use every last day myself. Are you OK with a 7/26 deadline? That still gives time for voting so we can name the winner on the 1st. @TheMongol has approved you for 7/26 if you are agreeable.
Once a week aloe vera 200x and you wont see no pm on your girls. At least i haven't and humidity runs 90% every night. Shit is expensive but it works.
I'm with you my brother, love the aloe vera plant in the organic grow, it's a little bit of work to filet the extract from the leaves, but well worth it in my opinion, it sometimes my grocery store doesn't stock it all the time.
I'm with you my brother, love the aloe vera plant in the organic grow, it's a little bit of work to filet the extract from the leaves, but well worth it in my opinion, it sometimes my grocery store doesn't stock it all the time.

Sourcing from raw would be the most cost effective way, I have an aloe but it's too small right now. I should go look anytime there is a clearance sale on house plants, may snag a bigger one. I have not tried it yet but apparently it's great to use as a cloning gel too.
Here's a few pics of one of the couple of organically grown Dinafem Blueberry Cookies plants(in all honesty it is not the battle plant I chose, I regret). @Dinafem-Mark
All her top colas are monsters and dense, I wish I could describe the smell, but my sense of smell is not an asset.
Oh good just wanted to double check. I’ve got a youngun myself and this past week we had a bit of cabin fever, really too hot to go outside.

I’ll tag you again, but just for a heads up, I’ll need your final pic for 7/24.

Thanks dj :thumbsup:
I was also not aware that my plant had to be done by 7\24 I rely on a large plant an couldn't finish by then anyway my plants will be done in September I was really looking forward to the contest an show in my cookies in a light dep methodology.
I was also not aware that my plant had to be done by 7\24 I rely on a large plant an couldn't finish by then anyway my plants will be done in September I was really looking forward to the contest an show in my cookies in a light dep methodology.
OK I will tag @TheMongol maybe he will extend the deadline to 7/26 for all the growers.
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