I think this year's outdoor comp is a final whole plant pic instead of live cola and dried cola?? :pass:
That be good especially when we're in the outdoor battle and its live cola, dry cola pics. Bc that pic I posted of that bud earlier is completely covered in frost on the phone, and same deal last season on my outdoor humble pie and BB auto they looked awesome, and on here they never do justice really.
I see your girl is as lanky as mines!! I should send you some stem trainers!!:d5::biggrin::smoking:
Lol, you should see my GWK! :smokeit: She's got to be 5 foot tall! I had to take out the yoyo hangers from 2X AutoCobs and they are now hanging on the hooks, along with my old MarsHydro 400 as side lighting. The stretch has been crazy! I'll get a pic up soon! :headbang:
Here's the last couple updates a week apart of the GWK! Sorry for the crappy pics! :headbang:

  1. Update day 49 - ish
    Temps 75 - 82
    Humidity 55 - 65%
    I thought I'd post a few pics of the grow! GWK is filling up the shower! :headbang:




    Update day 56
  2. Temps 75 - 85
  3. Humidity 50 - 65%

    The girls are doing ok, but one of my Timber diy cob lights bit the big one and I'm guessing the extra wattage is over powering the other 3. So I got a clip on fan blowing across the heat sinks! I also plan on adding a 4ft T-12 Flower Power UV in the spot in front of the grow shower. The GWK won't benefit as much as the Auto Livers, but it's suppose to be getting UV from the MarsHydro 400 that I'm using as side lighting anyways. The GWK has really taken off as I had to remove the yoyo hangers and put the AutoCobs on hooks. I'd guesstimate she's around 5 foot tall now! :thumbsup:

I had to put more stem trainer and a weight on mines!! She already got light burn on both sides of her.


She is now 12 inches from the light
