any other animal on earth you have the Amazing Ability to self mediate...and there is a nose brain tummy connection that leads you to the Right meds..View attachment 1032173

THC..CBD don't smell...terps do.....:pass:

My Tell is...if I find the Right meds..I want to Eat it too...:headbang:...the Nose Knows..

and your teeth...a Good one sticks to your a good coffee...:coffee:..Thick smoke....coating smoke..
once I started paying attention to my body
the healing began
we talk n gweedy?, can apply to all things gardening, with a focus on cannabis
Honestly Mossy a huge amount of seeds I have have been sent to me by seed companies or by seed sellers, who can't help give a ton of freebies and then there are also friendly breeders who like to share.
I often give seeds away to friends and I have even donated seeds as prizes to competitions here on AFN. So in the end everyone is a winner.:woohoo1::thumbsup:
It's better to have seeds in times of no money, that to have money in times of no seeds! :crying::vibe:
My cat has been trained man, She has been broken of all bad habits except the occasional food begging. Not even that bad either. She just rubs my leg till I feed her now. She used get all dramatic and shit. I've found that she is into a consistant schedule. She leaves me alone as long as I'm on time.

Indoor only cats are trouble. Mine has two entrances to the house. She comes and goes as she pleases, and no litter box.
whom:crying: has who trained?
Honestly Mossy a huge amount of seeds I have have been sent to me by seed companies or by seed sellers, who can't help give a ton of freebies and then there are also friendly breeders who like to share.
I often give seeds away to friends and I have even donated seeds as prizes to competitions here on AFN. So in the end everyone is a winner.:woohoo1::thumbsup:
It's better to have seeds in times of no money, that to have money in times of no seeds! :crying::vibe:
giving away seeds is the fun of having 2many!
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