my CN finished with a very clear and present turpentine aroma, smelled so good I wanted to chew a bud! How could turpentine be soo delicious? The terpenes went right for my receptors
bam! any other animal on earth you have the Amazing Ability to self mediate...and there is a nose brain tummy connection that leads you to the Right meds..

THC..CBD don't smell...terps do.....:pass:

My Tell is...if I find the Right meds..I want to Eat it too...:headbang:...the Nose Knows..

I love it when you smoke/vape something like that where terpenes and especially Limonene sticks to the roof of your mouth and even 10-15 minutes later you smack your tongue on the roof of your mouth and you get a derious hit of taste/lemon. I love that!

and your teeth...a Good one sticks to your a good coffee...:coffee:..Thick smoke....coating smoke..
if you like family guy homour but more explicit watch brickelberry
...I have been watching Spongebob aaaall day my friend, and my brain has liquefied into a strange grey soup, and is exiting my head via my ears...............:smiley1:
Free your Porn @MedCzech :watering:

Tea Vicar...pinkie in the air.....
Terp Tea..?...provide promote terps..interesting...?

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Incense is me Favourite...but it Hides in the Citrus I have Lots of lemony favourites...there are many nuances...

When I first got the Deep Chunk it was describes as Lime..and I thought yeah yeah..different smell say Lime...until I Got it..and it was Distinctly Lime...

Once tasted..never forgotten...:pass:

You Paraded..with Got it........:bighug:

I keep saying..if we don't Brag our girls up..who will.....Get Pride...full bragging rights....:amazon:.shout it from the roof tops..

:pighug: Just a tad.....:biggrin:

Have you heard of mirror molecules?
I remembered hearing something about them years ago and I thought it was limes and lemons I was thinking about.
I was wrong it is actually lemons and oranges but still very interesting and goes to show what a difference polar opposites of the same terpene can change the flavour so much.

Even though the same atoms combine to make mirror molecules, the left-handed and right-handed versions can have very different properties, such as smell. With a few items from around your house (and your parents permission), you will be able to smell the difference between some stereoisomers.

Part 1
Items needed:
  • 1 orange (or orange peel)
  • 1 lemon (or lemon peel)
  • 1 grater
  • 2 small bowls
  1. Grate a small amount of orange peel into one bowl.
  2. Grate a small amount of lemon peel into the other bowl.
  3. Smell the difference!
What's going on?
Orange and lemon peel both contain a molecule called limonene. However, the limonene molecule in orange peel has a different structure than the limonene in lemon peel. The different structures have different smells.


Orange Lemon
The types of limonene in oranges and lemons are mirror molecules. The molecule in the orange is "left-handed," and the one in the lemon is the "right-handed" version.

Something else interesting i found!

Volatile Components of Peel and Leaf Oils of Lemon and Lime Species
Peel and leaf oils of 43 taxa of lemons and limes were obtained from fruits and leaves collected from trees submitted to the same pedoclimatic and cultural conditions. Their chemical composition was investigated by capillary GC, GC-MS, and 13C NMR, and the results were submitted to principal component analysis to check for chemical variability. Three major chemotypes were distinguished for lemon peel oils:  limonene; limonene/β-pinene/γ-terpinene; and limonene/linalyl acetate/linalool. Two chemotypes were identified for lemon leaf oils:  limonene/β-pinene/geranial/neral and linalool/linalyl acetate/α-terpineol. In lime peel oils, four chemotypes were distinguished:  limonene; limonene/γ-terpinene; limonene/β-pinene/γ-terpinene; and limonene/γ-terpinene/β-pinene/oxygenated products. Four others were identified for lime leaf oils:  β-pinene/limonene; limonene/geranial/neral; limonene/linalool/citronellal; and limonene/sabinene/citronellal/linalool. These results were interpreted using principal component analysis.

I though I'd post these snippets as I find thing like this fascinating!

Cats know how to show you who's boss you either worship them or pay the price

My cat has been trained man, She has been broken of all bad habits except the occasional food begging. Not even that bad either. She just rubs my leg till I feed her now. She used get all dramatic and shit. I've found that she is into a consistant schedule. She leaves me alone as long as I'm on time.

Indoor only cats are trouble. Mine has two entrances to the house. She comes and goes as she pleases, and no litter box.