Done a lot of head scratching on that. I've had two separate and distinct issues this grow cycle - both are firsts for me, and both during the two weeks following seed germination. Here's what I figure ...
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]: I fried the entire group of my first drop, and some died. Cause ... this was the first time I used AutoCobs from the very start of the grow. I reckon that I had the lights too close.
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]: most of my second group of replacement seeds died shortly after sprouting in what looks totally like "damping-off," Cause .... well this time, being a little afraid of moving the seedlings too quickly into the tent under COBs, I kept those in their little starter-plugs in a tray with a humidity dome under some T5s. The humidity there was intense. My research on this topic seems clear -- 5+ days in such high humidity is a perfect formula for damping-off -- particularly in root plugs that were 3+ years old and starting to show a bit of mold.

Lessons learned. I'm just happy that it looks like I can nurse the survivors through all the GrowBattles that they're in. We won't be taking home any trophies this round, but we're having a great time watching and learning from all the many dozens of awesome grows going on here. :thumbsup:
just shows issues can hit you any time plus your posting your problems and will be able to help other growers to figure them out if they get the same issues :bong: i had a couple of bad weeks on my last grow were shit just went sideways its all learning a sharing .anyhow a pic of my ladys from today
Hey RGG[emoji481][emoji482]

Well Its Miracle-Gro organic

The cart full was 26.00. Bonus.

So as long as it says organic.
I don't really give two shits.
I won't use anything that's got time release nothing in it.

I have not been a fan of Miracle Grow either over the year's.
But after studying what's in this Miracle Gro organic. It doesn't bother me at all now to grow in it.

There's a lot of stigma out there with a lot of products.
I just have to get inside and study though to find out what's what.
I can't go just by what somebody says.
I have to know for myself.[emoji106]

So far so good it's a little higher nitrogen than I anticipated but the soil is really fine soil. It has a rich compost in it. It feels very good smells good smells like soil from the compost bin supposed to smell.
So it's the first time I've used it all the way through...but it's not by itself....O no.... I mixed in organic topsoil I mixed in other organic soils. Organic manure organic mushroom compost organic blood meal organic bone meal organic worm castings everything. Wow...

But I'm not organic 100%...
I'm 92% organic... so it really don't matter to me at all.. I get it all and use the Best of Both Worlds. I like to stick to the organic side as much as I can.

But it is what it is 92%[emoji90]8%[emoji12]

A few pics of what's growing in this custom soil mix that I made up other than my competition plant the OG Kush from SeedStockers. It seems to be doing pretty well in this mix.
I may have put a little too much extra blood meal in this. I guess we'll find out in the long run.

As I said it may have a little more nitrogen then I anticipated but overall this is a very good soil. give it a try. It's great base to build from.[emoji106] After I run a few runs through it I'll know it a lot better. I have a pickup truckload of it to go through for my outside grow along with my already composted cooked soil.[emoji482]


heres a few pics of what I used last year. A lot more than just this. I also added sprouts and turned them in for a month or so after the mix overwintered. This one was 100% organic, but I also cheat a bit:cheers:.. I let this batch outside a bit to long and too wet and it picked up gnats. I ended up using most of it in garden beds. The first few batches of it that used up quickly though was used to repot a bunch of house plants. They are doing really really well still. I recycled a bunch of it for a Meyer Lemon tree cutting and it loves it in there. First pic is the base soil and compost mix, with recycled soil, peat plugs, cardboard strips, hardwood ash, leaves, etc...

soil1.jpg soil3.jpg soil5.jpg soil4.jpg soil15.jpg soil12.jpg soil14.jpg soil13.jpg soil9.jpg
All my plants are running from the same res which I've been focusing on my older battle plants. Strangely though it's the 23 day oldest showing nute burn. Her younger smaller sisters, same strain, are at days 21 and 14 and are having it large and shouting for more.

Also this RQS NL after a month jarred is wrecking me good and proper :D


Seed Stockers, Fruit Cake auto.

Changes made...
I have swapped from vinnys choice grow and common to Busygrows Hydro grow. It is an all in one base feed that comes in a powdered form. Plants seem to like it!!
I snapped the same branch twice doin some lst :wall: so out came the leccy tape to bandage her up and she bounced right back. The stems on these are chunky and solid so need to take it real easy when bending the branches on them!! Also i removed some of the bigger fan leaves to open them up a bit.
No sign of flower yet.

Lights still at 20/4 cycle.

Feed used...
Hydro Grow, 0.75 grams per litre.
Roots Excelurator
Liquid silicon.


@CannaZone Tier 1

Man, I am having a hard time deciding which is the battle plant. Thought I had it figured out but the second plant has made it too close to call today.

Plant 1


Plant 2


Think I am going to enter one in each of the two battles I am in. Look out @Vapo69 @Mikis !!



Seed Stockers, Fruit Cake auto.

Changes made...
I have swapped from vinnys choice grow and common to Busygrows Hydro grow. It is an all in one base feed that comes in a powdered form. Plants seem to like it!!
I snapped the same branch twice doin some lst :wall: so out came the leccy tape to bandage her up and she bounced right back. The stems on these are chunky and solid so need to take it real easy when bending the branches on them!! Also i removed some of the bigger fan leaves to open them up a bit.
No sign of flower yet.

Lights still at 20/4 cycle.

Feed used...
Hydro Grow, 0.75 grams per litre.
Roots Excelurator
Liquid silicon.

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@CannaZone Tier 1


That's some awesome growth since last update, man! Nice job!