Dutch Passion The BAM and cookies grow

Im feeling for you, I reckon that feeling when you realised it's something not normal growing inside, something weird colored. Very sorry to hear.
At least you gonna get some smoke out of her, you are not going empty handed.
Keep the mood up and and have a :passit: from me.
thanks rambo im not too worried i knew i was pushing it with my humidity levels and the 2l bottel sized cola lol:crying:
pretty terrible it hits 80% sometimes when ights are off i need to get a fan controller so i can run it all day without it being so loud

wow that's high bro no wonder you have mold,can you get a dehumidifier they are pretty cheap and do a great job in small spaces
wow that's high bro no wonder you have mold,can you get a dehumidifier they are pretty cheap and do a great job in small spaces
its not that high for long maybe 2 hours a day i think it will be ok when i can run the fan all day
That was my solution. Been having crazy humidity here lately so Ive had to switch my fan on full time. Hope it works out for ya.

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
so after my lil mold incident the girl has gone into flush now for ten days i hope she makes it due to the surgery
i should have taken some pics for @fruititooti to show what to look out for but i panicked and went to town on her and got rid of the bud quickly incase of spred
day 80 sumting harvest day didnt want to risk more mold so she getting the chop its more than ready just would have liked another few days of flushing but o well heres the pics my whole house stinks of mangos
Sorry about your mould woes bro! Keep that fan Running. I just picked up a budget fan controller for £50 made by Control Freak make sure you get the temp probe as they are sold separately.£35 for the unit £15 for the probe. Good luck

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Sorry about your mould woes bro! Keep that fan Running. I just picked up a budget fan controller for £50 made by Control Freak make sure you get the temp probe as they are sold separately.£35 for the unit £15 for the probe. Good luck

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
will do bunny thanks :pass:
dried in bags for four days into jars didnt weight it but must be in around the 3oz mark the smell is very sweet and orange mango citrus unfortuneatly the taste is not the same as the smell maybe a bit of a cure will fix that if not il keep searching for some tasty orange smoke any sudgestions