Harvest & Curing The Art of the Cure


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score

Have used many methods of curing over the last few years.

This time I decided to try bags.

Best quality to date--aroma, appearance and texture.

What I did:

1. Followed and modified Cervantes' cure by first giving buds/cut branches a water bath with hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes. Then a spray of water.

2. Super easy to trim. Trimmed down to bud size.

3. Regular drying in another tent with dryer rack for three to five days.

4. Initially, I was troubled by below bags because of cost and an odor. However, the odor was due to manufacturing process and dissipated in a few minutes.

5. After a week in bags = dank. Not too bad for home grown.

The Boveda packs are good to have and adjust RH while curing and for long term storage. In past, I have not gotten the best cure for having used Boveda packs throughout cure.

Not promoting this product but they work great. Curing bags are not a hot item though there are many alternatives--turkey bags etc. And a black curing bag Cervantes uses sold by one vendor online (could only find one) and are much more economical. Below bags can be reused--of course.

Once cure will put in jar(s). And check RH on occasion.

Link didn't come up--check Amazona for---
Stealth Odor Free Herb Curing & Storage Bags 32oz

Amazon product