The "AFN ASHES" Aus vs. UK

I'm really hoping for a deep purple on the LSD, always wanted to grow a nice coloured strain in my tent.. think it's about time, What's a NCH bro?
Just looked up chemdogging, sounds nice.. I've been on the hunt for good sativas lately, wanna grow my lady some nice smoke, I love my indicas.. but with her mental health the strains I like just kinda make her unmotivated if you will? Dunno how to explain it. [HASHTAG]#mephisto[/HASHTAG] is sounding better and better :d5:
You've got a what..? Hubbabub..fucking that's a long ass name bro haha.

@Eclectic Elle when ever your ready rush, gives you time to find a real pruddyy strain :d5:
Cheers man, I think most of my current girls will be down next month so that will be perfect. Haven't decided what to grow yet but I have plenty of choice for some very interesting plants!

Hmm... do I go in pairs, four of a kind, two and two, run one separate to the wilma... Decisions decisions!
Hi all,

Thanks @Vapo69 for the heads up.

I'll represent the Aussies if I can. Just depends on when my next rental inspection is as I set up, grow autos, harvest and pack away again before the next rental inspection. If it's late August like last year I'll miss out as I'm too lazy to pack away and hide everything just to set it up again the next day.

I've got some Auto THC Bomb seeds ready to go for my next grow anyway, just waiting for a letter from the real estate so I know when the next RI is.