Old Reviews The Additive Thread

right, thats a nice one,problem is it says it fully soluble. and real granules are not. so imho its an additive or mixture of two soluble forms. could be wrong,just my initial thought after reading it. since Black humic acid is more genuine generally speaking and the black humic acid powder isnt by definition soluble. but thats a nice source for foliar applications and if your feeding in jogs. Thanks for the Link man,ill havew to save it and look at it more. maybe shoot them an E mial. Thanks again Corgy :)

would not fully soluble materials leach out over the course..say by 2/3rd of the way through an Auto grow? justa guess but it will leach and disolve out over a grow. how much? dunno. thats why I stay away from Soluble stuffs as a mainstay for staying power. :D
AN sensi bloom (humic + fulvic) + Canna Rhizotonic (roots) + AN BB + AN OD is all I have. Maybe silica is also good option... other is just marketing in my opinion.
Yes, AN is also marketing... but for me is base nutrient because it has all in one. Just forget their other products.
What sort of medium are you using. And do you have any observations on the three add ins you use? I know AN is epensive but it works and is pretty foolproof so it has value for some growers.
They call them bio stimulants. I use NPK Industries products from time to time. They are mainly designed for hydro and I am organic soil/coco for the most part. The problem is lack of complete knowledge of the growing process and adding something which may only inhibit. For instance Kelp. A little good too much bad. Same with neem. Water soluble is good IMO because it resides in the medium a short amount of time and can be replaced on an as needed basis. When I start with a fresh brick I dump anything and everything in the hydration water. Especially calcium. But when I reuse, I am very selective and rely almost entirely on microbes. But a typical NPK elixer would be
1 gallon water
1/8 tsp kelp
1/8 tsp fulvic (they call it Full Up)
1/4 tsp humic
1/4 tsp silica
ph to 6.5
Purpose? It cures Hoarseness!
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yeah its RAW's version of bottled feeds. fully soluble foods. foods arent soluble.thats my only issue with these guys and RAW as a simple statement. soluble food should be added to a quick fix issue or cal mag if need be,or a tea addition such as Vitamin B,kelp and so on. but into the soil as a living soil isnt the best idea imho. but with Jugs and organics,thats a better use of these imho.
yeah its RAW's version of bottled feeds. fully soluble foods. foods arent soluble.thats my only issue with these guys and RAW as a simple statement. soluble food should be added to a quick fix issue or cal mag if need be,or a tea addition such as Vitamin B,kelp and so on. but into the soil as a living soil isnt the best idea imho. but with Jugs and organics,thats a better use of these imho.
I was 100% organic until I started phasing out peat and replacing it with coco. I had to get a hydro education fast. That's where I discovered these guys and Harley inspired me to stick with the coco. My worms do almost everything for me, but I have a box of NPK envelopes to go to for like you say the quick fix. It's almost impossible to learn from internet coco growers because the only terms they use are brand names. So it was nice to find somebody that spoke NPK/macro and micro. My coco/ewc is getting so healthy and bio active I can re use it immediately after separating the rootball which I use as worm bedding. I learned a lot from the no till guys but in the end dump and fluff/mix reuse was a better option for me. But I start each plant with a fresh brick of coco on the bottom of the pot so if the roots make it down that far they better be hydro educated.
lol Oh i know bro.I wasnt saying he wasnt organic. hes just in the business of reselling stuffs because of the styles he pushes is all.I just personally believe( yet I cant do much of what I preach due to my disease and physical limitations) whomever can actually get out and DO this with simple reading should. the results are better,cheaper and reusable. dont get better than that with minimal purchases. thats what I try and sell LOL but not many are buying since they want it now with solid results instead of working for something thats a far better product.I love worms. :) Im just sorry I would have to re do a bin each year myself. Or I would be using them too. did for a year.LOL! damned pellet stoves broke ass.LOL!

but what some people get crossed are the various meanings behind what organic is,in this sellers market that this is anymore.

thats exactly how you wanna reuse coco coir. Mine too is like that. I mix mine at no more than saaay, 60% maybe a touch more of coco medium with soil and I use it like that. after a grow,sometimes two if its heavier on the coco coir,I wont even see any mostly. its all puffy,mycelium laced soil pockets that I break up like you guys do. its great when you start achieving that too. since if you added a few things you could save tons. its essentially finally like a living reused dormant mix that standard coco wont hold unless you keep buying and adding stuff.LOL or until it gets porous and spungy enough to hold it well.take time. I wished I had taken pictures bro. I had the outter edges of my pots lined with white life all dormant and waiting to be re moistened ,and added too. mmmmmm LOL! cant wait till I get to it after a few weeks. veggies and reused soil for indoors.
Worm Factory 360, best $100 I ever pissed a DIY off with. A tray weighs approx 12 lbs. If you can lift that you get 2 gal of EWC every month whether you want it or not. And my African Nightcrawlers like to be right next to me inside where I watch tv and the computer, very neat.
eh I doubt that bro. ive seen you post. youll want more specific answers than overall generalizations about soils and the basic construct of with additives which is usually what i get. LOL! real issue is that its only me. I cant do anything well without help. and I hbave nothing anymore so its only my broke ass thats broke.LOL! so broke I hurt all the time AND so broke I cant even Pay attention usually LOL

Ya, I'm right there with you. I'm battling old demons yet again, the good news is I have been here, and have a few tools. When you find yourself in hell, keep walking.
@Puddentane I noticed you left out the foxfarm 3 way. I was also wondering if you want to include Super Thrive, or PGR's and hormones.