Completed The 2023 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Fire OG Kush update
  • @Waira

    Their filling out nicely now.

    Fire OG Kush



    Last edited:
    Citrus super Haze update
  • @Waira:bump:

    Hey y'all :toke: :cheers::coco:

    Hey everybody girls are looking good this year. Some real exceptions to the growing. I see some very beautiful plants on this thread this year very beautiful.

    I love your style this year. The Asian Haze has got my heart. She's a good looking plant.

    @Prague guerilla love
    @Green Hornet
    @mason Jar OG

    All have very nice girls growing.:worship:

    So we've had rain last week and the first 2 days of this week up to 2.75 of a inch in 24 hours n more rain today. UGH this is not normal for this time of year.

    There's been a lot of overcast and smoky skies for a long while this year.
    This as surely caused less photosynthesis in the plants this year for sure.

    Y'all remember that I set out the 31st of May n didn't water on purpose, chopped them down a time or two too many. All to keep them lower and smaller this year. As well as to only grow AAA flower. No Larf will be aloud to grow this year.

    I've kind of managed to keep them down below the top of my fence "kind of" I don't expect them to stretch too much further because of the lack of sun. I'm really not going to try pulling them down too much more, maybe a little bit but not too much. I don't have a lot of time to really put a lot of effort into them. All the rain has held me up from getting some of the work done I've been trying to get do on the new property. So I got to play catch up there.

    The netting was supposed to go up already..:shrug:I'm going to try and get it up by Sunday. It needs to go up the branches are getting really long now and the possibility of snappage is pretty prevalent these days. I've already lost a branch off the RS-11 last week.

    Well enough with the bullshit talking here we go with the photos.

    Citrus super haze

    Citrus super Haze update
  • @Waira :toke:

    Well the weather's been kind of decent recently it turned the s*** last night 80 mile an hour winds sideways rain more lightning than this state has seen in a very long time according to the weather guy. Well if there's anything to the nitrogen production When The lightning strikes they should have got overwhelmed with nitrogen yesterday night. I'm without power working off of generator right now we haven't lost power here in a long time many many years. So I guess we would do.

    Plants faired very well through the mayhem of the storm last night. I haven't heard from my farmer friend yet I don't know how he did? I heard his area got hit harder than what I got hit here. His plants are pretty well protected though.

    Humidity's been pretty high for probably the last three or four days anyways maybe five it's been in the upper 60s and right now sitting at 61% RH. Temperatures running 82°f. Rain tanks all filled up as I was empty. But they're all full now and overflowing.

    I gave all the girls a hard trimming and pruning 6 days ago right after my last post to this thread. They've all recovered very nicely I'll send a couple of pics to show the beginning to the end.

    Citrus super Haze before trimming

    First day after trimming and pruning

    This morning after the Storm.

    I guess I'll have to do at least one more good pruning on it before harvest.
    Fire OG Kush update
  • @Waira :toke:

    Fire OG kushes are being monsters wow they are getting big keeping them small this year though putting them in late was to my benefit I think they're just going to reach over the fence a little bit. But they're doing very well they got that classic smell in their stems. They're definitely Fire OG kushes for sure.

    Same thing they got a hard pruning and trimming 6 days ago.


    After hard trimming and pruning.

    This morning

    Skunk Hero 22 F1 Update
  • @Waira :vibes:

    Skunk hero looking good she's looking a little bit different then the one I grew last year at this time. Seems to be this one's a little more leafy if that makes sense. But structure looks pretty the same.

    I do hope this one turns out as nice as the one last year.

    Before hard pruning


    This morning

    And some shots of the rest of the girls in the garden this year.
    Update GTG
  • :baked:
    Growmeis :bump:

    The weather as been pretty good. Not hot or cold. Days the last week about 78°f high mostly hazy skies, a day or 2 with sun. The nights upper 50's. RH has been good 40's maybe a bit low. :shrug:
    I think the girls put some size on since last post.
    Not seeing a large amount of bud sign on the comp girl's yet.
    The comp girl's are more sativa ( CSH, FOGK, and Skunk hero) leaning than the other in my garden that are showing good large buds coming in now.

    Citrus super haze

    Fire OG Kush


    Skunk Hero 22 F1


    The Skunk She's on her way through.

    This is the Biscotti mint

    Runtz muffin

    Frozen Coke the re-veg
