@Waira and fellow growers.
Hey y'all things are going pretty good around here.
A little dry and Smokey maybe. We've got a lot of overcast days for Christ's sake. I can't believe the smoke and the haze and rain and clouds??? And all in July??? it's crazy.

But the girls are still plugging on, looking pretty good for the most part. They could be bigger I'm sure. Even though I put them in late they're feasting and growing like Weeds.
I can't believe we had rain 2 days ago, was able to fill all my rain tanks up. But it's going to rain again today. Well sprinkled a little bit ago and trying to sprinkle right now.
There's another bad storm coming tonight... Wtf it's freaking unreal it's July.

I guess careful what you wish for
These are supposed to be the dog days of summer, right?
The other day I thought I was going to have to get the canoe out to go down the street it was raining so much and hard.

I've had to water the girls quite extensively they were pretty dry. The one day I gave them each two gallons of water and then I watered them again that night with another 2 gallons of water. I also watered them on the day it rained 2 days ago.
Our humidity here has been very low for Michigan. The humidity here is usually pretty muggy most of the summer. Off and on of course but it's been mostly off this year.
The humidity here doesn't go up very high for very long the relative humidity right now is 79% but this morning when I came out it was only 33%
I expect after the rain goes through and storm tonight that it'll drop right back down again into the upper 30s and run around 45% thereabouts.
So I worked all the girls over again. I manipulated and trimmed down pretty good over the last 6 days or 7. They've just about all back from pruning again already.
I'm going out to work on them this weekend and one more time with the topping next week. I want to have a nice kind of flat

canopy this year. I've never really tried to do it and be on it. So I thought I'd try that this year see what happens.

I made top again I don't know we'll see. They should start showing flower sign here by the 9th or so.
Fire OG Kush
21st after trimming