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Super Citrus Haze update
  • @Waira

    I absolutely love this plant. I don't even think I can get the seeds anymore now. I think I'm going to order some silver colitis and I'm going to take a couple of branches from this plant and slathering with some silver colitis and try and make some seeds for this strain.

    Super Citrus Haze
    Breeder Seedsman


    The same here with how they loaded up. The pic with Tyson in it was from this morning.:cools::vibes::jointman:
    Skunk hero S1 Update GTG
  • @Waira

    Skunk hero S1 is
    I absolutely love this plant. It's so beautiful. My Last year's girl was just so full with color. I Couldn't ask for more beautiful plant. In all the years I've grown cannabis

    @Jean-O genetics has made me a very proud cultivator of cannabis.:toke::cheers::pass:

    As this plant has been my showcase plant.
    I show these pictures first to everyone that wants to see anything that I've grown.

    I think I'm going to have one of those really nice pictures made up of the buds from last year's colons. Made into one of those glass fractures. I think it's worthy and will fit this plant nicely.
    To hang on my wall.
    The Skunk hero S1 it is just one of the most spectacularly most colorful plants I've ever grown.

    A Picasso of marijuana.:bow:

    Fall 2022 Skunk hero S1
    Breeder @Jean-O genetics


    The skunk hero S1 is a joy to run as well. I had absolutely zero issues running this plant last year.

    Other than the pot was a little small, I had it in a 15 gallon pot ( oops my bad ) but it ran excellently with no issues. I had zero issues no p.m. no infestations of bugs and I really didn't have to work with it a lot because the leaf structures were for lack of a better word perfect and easy to work with. I enjoyed this plant it's a easy button plant to me. 💯🆗🎯

    Skunk hero S1
    Breeder Jean'Os genetics


    Well we're almost there another two months and 3 weeks and it's going to be over with... Another season down.

    Fire OG Kush update
  • @Waira and fellow growers.

    Hey y'all things are going pretty good around here.
    A little dry and Smokey maybe. We've got a lot of overcast days for Christ's sake. I can't believe the smoke and the haze and rain and clouds??? And all in July??? it's crazy. :vibe::redcard:

    But the girls are still plugging on, looking pretty good for the most part. They could be bigger I'm sure. Even though I put them in late they're feasting and growing like Weeds.:cooldance:

    I can't believe we had rain 2 days ago, was able to fill all my rain tanks up. But it's going to rain again today. Well sprinkled a little bit ago and trying to sprinkle right now.
    There's another bad storm coming tonight... Wtf it's freaking unreal it's July. :nono:

    :bow:I guess careful what you wish for:haha:

    These are supposed to be the dog days of summer, right?
    The other day I thought I was going to have to get the canoe out to go down the street it was raining so much and hard.⛈️💧💦☔

    I've had to water the girls quite extensively they were pretty dry. The one day I gave them each two gallons of water and then I watered them again that night with another 2 gallons of water. I also watered them on the day it rained 2 days ago.
    Our humidity here has been very low for Michigan. The humidity here is usually pretty muggy most of the summer. Off and on of course but it's been mostly off this year.

    The humidity here doesn't go up very high for very long the relative humidity right now is 79% but this morning when I came out it was only 33%
    I expect after the rain goes through and storm tonight that it'll drop right back down again into the upper 30s and run around 45% thereabouts.

    So I worked all the girls over again. I manipulated and trimmed down pretty good over the last 6 days or 7. They've just about all back from pruning again already.
    I'm going out to work on them this weekend and one more time with the topping next week. I want to have a nice kind of flat:shrug: canopy this year. I've never really tried to do it and be on it. So I thought I'd try that this year see what happens.:spels:I made top again I don't know we'll see. They should start showing flower sign here by the 9th or so.

    Fire OG Kush

    21st after trimming




    Thanks :toke::headbang:
    Fire OG Kush update ugh
  • @Waira

    We had a possum in the hen house...

    So the three Fire OG kushes that were in the 65 gallon pot. Two purebreds and one unknown that came up on its own. That happened to be the biggest one also that came up on its own. So like right after last photo shoot I was out there working with them and I noticed the gender finally started showing.

    Just as I suspected... What I started seeing mushroom heads like 4 days ago. I was like ah son of a gun. Sure as s*** here we are today... Bummer.

    So I give him the big 🪓

    There's still 2 purebred girls in the pot. I started working with them pulling them back up and spreading them out to try and save my Fire OG Kush crop.

    Before chop chop...

    After chop


    After I manipulated them.

    Well that was a real kick in the pants. I really hope that seed that fell off the plant from last year cuz like 98% of the time that a female plant will come out of a feminized seed plant.

    But not this time.
    possibly that seed came up wasn't from last year's plant. I don't remember finding any seeds in any of the Fire OG Kush from last year harvest.
    So maybe it could have come up from some other time.
    The soil is reconstituted and has been around for years. So it could be from something else?
    I don't know. Won't never know now it's over with. Bye-bye 🤙

    But it's always good to have your options open and cover your own ass when you're growing...:pass::vibes:
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    Skunk Hero 22 F1 upgrade
  • :toke:

    All's good with this girl it's coming along fine feeding well I think the buds are just starting to come on possibly. It's a little bit showing.

    She got manipulated lollipop and also the Kush chiropractics. She really made some loud snaps. Kind of satisfying crack sounds.:doh:



    Have a good one y'all happy growing:vibes::toke::cheers:
    Citrus Super Haze update
  • @Waira

    The girls are looking great.

    The Flowering is right on time. August-8-2023. Usually around the 9th is when I start to see flower sign in my area sometimes a few days before sometimes a few days after but around the 9th of August is normal.

    The girls have all recovered from their last pruning and are due for another one.
    I'll try to give them one tomorrow. got a lot going on right now. Working a new property. so it's hard for me to keep up with everything just now

    They're a little bushy and tall at the moment and are due for the nett's to go on.




    I added a couple of pics from this morning that I took. I watered them yesterday and they seem like they pop some more.
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