Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!


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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!

:smokeout:Alright folks, it's time to start opening ceremonies on this years outdoor auto/photo grow competition! :smokeout:

This is year 5 of the Comp, and it's been a fun road (mostly- :rofl:) to travel with growers doing their outdoor thing! Thrills, chills, and spills happen in a way that only OD growers know... :yay: :face: :yoinks: :cuss: :amazon: :watering:

It's a more relaxed contest, and is always filled with lovely plants and buds! The Comp' is open to anybody, with any genetics they wish, any grow method... Breeder and product showcasing is welcome too!
@Waira @TheMongol will be helping to run this contest - :thanks:

:greencheck: GENERAL RULES:

- 30th Oct Final finish date

-- Any genetics fly here, Auto or Photo.... Any start date, just be aware of the finish date

--Entry Code must be included with the germ'/early seedling pics, and harvest pics: [ 2021 OD auto/photo Comp; (name); (cultivar); start date/harvest date ]

-- No plant in this Comp' is eligible for any other Contest

-- Only participants wishing to be included in the Final Poll need to provide preferred weekly Updates....(3/month minimum)... fall off of this too much, too long and the contestant may be DQ'ed (fair is fair, ay?)
*(Guerilla Growers can apply to the Team Leaders for a Guerilla Pass which will enable you to post updates every 2-3 weeks and still be in the Final Poll.)

-- You can select up to 3 plants each for auto's and photo's for the duration of the Comp', in case they get eaten, ripped, destroyed, etc.,... BUT-->

-- You must name your Final entry plant 2 weeks before harvest (photo's), or 1 week before (autos), or the official Finish date at the latest...

-- Voting will consist of live bud/cola shots and dry nugg' shots (1 each) for both auto and photo' plants submitted for polling... So 4 polls total, live and dry auto, live and dry photo....

-- winners determined same way as usual: the combined votes for the auto's and photo's live and dry will be tallied to determine the Auto winner and Photo' winner....

-- prizes TBD

-- It is acceptable for outdoor plants to be started long as the vast majority of the plant's life is outdoor.

>>> Any questions, feel free to ask! :goodluck: :growing::spels::growing: :goodluck:
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oh boy, it'z about damn time! :jump: ppp

:bighug: A day early just for you brudda! :coffee: :rofl:

Kyote, I know you are waiting for seeds yet, but do you and 420F' have your candidates figured out yet?

.... oh yeah, my dahling @BCBudlady gotta reel you in too! .....
I think I have my list locked in, always a tough thing to nail down! So many choices, and 6 at a time hardly makes a dent in the list! :help:
So far, it looks like all non-commercial stuff for me, small company or private breeders; a few repro's of choice cultivars from those small company breeders that get phat stack$ per pack for their works- :nono:...If not for these repro's by privateers, I'd never have the luxury! :rofl:
I can't believe I'm not running a Fast Version, first time in ages that's not happened! ... just too excited over this custom stuff, so I'ma gamble on it... Well, the LBH has some auto in her, and the critical Sour is part auto as well, but not F1's by any means...

> The Doors x Original Haze -- (private brdr.) the only reg. I'll run; this is a nearly pure O.Haze, but the breeder worked some serious Ju-Ju to find a pheno that can finish in about 10 weeks outside, borderline but do-able... Nothing like the unique soaring Sati'-high that OHz offers! A risk, but could be very well worth it!
> Jelly Sickle
> Colombian Diesel/I-95 x New Lime
> Cherry WiFi
> ChemD'/Sour Diesel Haze - (La Buena Hierba) tester!
> Bluebonic/Guerilla Gold 3 .. or maybe a cross of that with Critical Sour, not sure yet!
:bighug: A day early just for you brudda! :coffee: :rofl:

Kyote, I know you are waiting for seeds yet, but do you and 420F' have your candidates figured out yet?

.... oh yeah, my dahling @BCBudlady gotta reel you in too! .....
I think I have my list locked in, always a tough thing to nail down! So many choices, and 6 at a time hardly makes a dent in the list! :help:
So far, it looks like all non-commercial stuff for me, small company or private breeders; a few repro's of choice cultivars from those small company breeders that get phat stack$ per pack for their works- :nono:...If not for these repro's by privateers, I'd never have the luxury! :rofl:
I can't believe I'm not running a Fast Version, first time in ages that's not happened! ... just too excited over this custom stuff, so I'ma gamble on it... Well, the LBH has some auto in her, and the critical Sour is part auto as well, but not F1's by any means...

> The Doors x Original Haze -- (private brdr.) the only reg. I'll run; this is a nearly pure O.Haze, but the breeder worked some serious Ju-Ju to find a pheno that can finish in about 10 weeks outside, borderline but do-able... Nothing like the unique soaring Sati'-high that OHz offers! A risk, but could be very well worth it!
> Jelly Sickle
> Colombian Diesel/I-95 x New Lime
> Cherry WiFi
> ChemD'/Sour Diesel Haze - (La Buena Hierba) tester!
> Bluebonic/Guerilla Gold 3 .. or maybe a cross of that with Critical Sour, not sure yet!

Well I know what i want to run, but don't want to jinx meself by saying somtin yet. :thumbsup:
:bighug: A day early just for you brudda! :coffee: :rofl:

Kyote, I know you are waiting for seeds yet, but do you and 420F' have your candidates figured out yet?

i have absolutely no idea yet :rofl: :rolleyes2: i pretty much have the list narrowed down as far as what i'm gonna be growin...6 autoz & 3 photoz...but needless to say, have no clue yet what i'll be enterin into the comp :shrug: jus to doublecheck, can i enter one of each, auto & photo, or duz it hafta be one or the other-? it'z late & i'm gonna be hittin the hay soon, but i'll post a list of me tentative strain choicez & projected timeline tomorrow, k-? ;)

HAPPEE 420 TO ALL! :headbang: ppp
Have to think about this one. Already in the Seedstocker's spring/summer grow 'n' show.
Not sure if I have the time to document another one, though could use other Seedstocker's seeds for it.
Will get back to you over these few weeks as I germ and plant out.